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10 months ago
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SOA.Persistent;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SlabHandle
[Serializable, Table("CP_MOVE_SLT")]
public class CP_MOVE_SLT
[Persistent("MV_NO"), DisplayName("物料号")]
public string MV_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("MV_LST_NO"), DisplayName("转库单号")]
public string MV_LST_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("MAT_NO"), DisplayName("物料号")]
public string MAT_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_TOT_CNT"), DisplayName("产品总数量")]
public int PROD_TOT_CNT { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_TOT_SEQ"), DisplayName("产品顺序")]
public int PROD_TOT_SEQ { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_CD"), DisplayName("产品代码")]
public string PROD_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("APLY_STDSPEC"), DisplayName("标准代号")]
public string APLY_STDSPEC { get; set; }
[Persistent("STLGRD"), DisplayName("钢种")]
public string STLGRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("APLY_ENDUSE_CD"), DisplayName("适用订单用途")]
public string APLY_ENDUSE_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("THK"), DisplayName("厚度")]
public Decimal THK { get; set; }
[Persistent("WID"), DisplayName("宽度")]
public Decimal WID { get; set; }
[Persistent("LEN"), DisplayName("长度")]
public Decimal LEN { get; set; }
[Persistent("WGT"), DisplayName("重量")]
public Decimal WGT { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROD_GRD"), DisplayName("产品等级")]
public string PROD_GRD { get; set; }
[Persistent("SIZE_KND"), DisplayName("定尺分类")]
public string SIZE_KND { get; set; }
[Persistent("FR_INV"), DisplayName("始发工厂")]
public string FR_INV { get; set; }
[Persistent("FR_INV_LOC"), DisplayName("始发工厂堆放位置")]
public string FR_INV_LOC { get; set; }
[Persistent("TO_INV"), DisplayName("终点工厂")]
public string TO_INV { get; set; }
[Persistent("TO_INV_LOC"), DisplayName("终点工厂堆放位置")]
public string TO_INV_LOC { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOVE_DATE"), DisplayName("移送日期")]
public string MOVE_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOVE_TIME"), DisplayName("移送时间")]
public string MOVE_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOVE_CAR_NO"), DisplayName("移送车辆")]
public string MOVE_CAR_NO { get; set; }
[Persistent("MOVE_EMP"), DisplayName("确认人")]
public string MOVE_EMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("SND_TIME"), DisplayName("信息发送日期")]
public string SND_TIME { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRIM_FL"), DisplayName("")]
public string TRIM_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("RCV_DATE"), DisplayName("接收产品日期")]
public string RCV_DATE { get; set; }
[Persistent("RCV_EMP"), DisplayName("产品接收人")]
public string RCV_EMP { get; set; }
//PROD_CD为PP时 Y:成品 N:半成品
[Persistent("HTM_CD"), DisplayName("PROD_CD为PP时 Y:成品 N:半成品")]
public string HTM_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("LOAD_WGT_FL"), DisplayName("是否过磅")]
public string LOAD_WGT_FL { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRANS_WAY"), DisplayName("运输方式")]
public string TRANS_WAY { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRANS_COMP"), DisplayName("运输公司")]
public string TRANS_COMP { get; set; }
[Persistent("TRANS_TOOL"), DisplayName("运输车型")]
public string TRANS_TOOL { get; set; }
[Persistent("PROC_CD"), DisplayName("装车时进程状态")]
public string PROC_CD { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAR_LOC"), DisplayName("车上垛位(垛位+垛层)")]
public string CAR_LOC { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAR_POS"), DisplayName("车辆位置")]
public string CAR_POS { get; set; }
//A 不承担 C 承担
[Persistent("CAR_FY"), DisplayName("A 不承担 C 承担")]
public string CAR_FY { get; set; }
[Persistent("CAR_FL"), DisplayName("")]
public string CAR_FL { get; set; }