using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using BP.DA;
using BP.Port;
using BP.En;
using BP.Web;
using BP.Sys;
using BP.WF.Data;
using BP.WF.Template.Frm;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using BP.Difference;
namespace BP.WF.Template
/// 流程
public class FlowExt : EntityNoName
#region 属性.
/// 流程类别
public string FlowSortNo
return this.GetValStringByKey(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort);
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, value);
/// 系统类别(第2级流程树节点编号)
public string SysType
return this.GetValStringByKey(FlowAttr.SysType);
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.SysType, value);
/// 是否可以独立启动
public bool ItIsCanStart
return this.GetValBooleanByKey(FlowAttr.IsCanStart);
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.IsCanStart, value);
/// 流程事件实体
public string FlowEventEntity
return this.GetValStringByKey(FlowAttr.FlowEventEntity);
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.FlowEventEntity, value);
/// 流程标记
public string FlowMark
string str = this.GetValStringByKey(FlowAttr.FlowMark);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str) == true)
return this.No;
return str;
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.FlowMark, value);
public bool ItIsStartInMobile
return this.GetValBooleanByKey(FlowAttr.IsStartInMobile);
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.IsStartInMobile, value);
/// 测试人员
public string Tester
return this.GetValStringByKey(FlowAttr.Tester);
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.Tester, value);
#endregion 属性.
#region 构造方法
/// UI界面上的访问控制
public override UAC HisUAC
UAC uac = new UAC();
if (WebUser.IsAdmin == false)
throw new Exception("err@管理员登录用户信息丢失,当前会话[" + WebUser.No + "," + WebUser.Name + "]");
uac.IsUpdate = true;
//uac.OpenForAdmin(); //zsy修改 2020.5.15
//if (BP.Web.WebUser.No.Equals("admin")==true || this.DesignerNo == WebUser.No)
uac.IsDelete = false;
uac.IsInsert = false;
return uac;
/// 流程
public FlowExt()
/// 流程
/// 编号
public FlowExt(string _No)
this.No = _No;
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.isDebug)
int i = this.RetrieveFromDBSources();
if (i == 0)
throw new Exception("流程编号不存在");
/// 重写基类方法
public override Map EnMap
if (this._enMap != null)
return this._enMap;
Map map = new Map("WF_Flow", "流程模版");
#region 基本属性。
map.AddTBStringPK(FlowAttr.No, null, "编号", true, true, 1, 4, 3);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.No, ""); //使用alert的方式显示帮助信息.
// map.AddDDLEntities(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, null, "类别", new FlowSorts(), true);
string sql = "";
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.Single)
//map.AddDDLEntities(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, null, "类别", new FlowSorts(), true);
sql = "SELECT No,Name FROM WF_FlowSort WHERE Name!='流程树' ORDER BY NO, IDX";
map.AddDDLSQL(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, null, "类别", sql, true);
sql = "SELECT No,Name FROM WF_FlowSort WHERE OrgNo='@WebUser.OrgNo' ORDER BY NO, IDX";
map.AddDDLSQL(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, null, "类别", sql, true);
//map.AddDDLEntities(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, "01", "流程类别", new FlowSorts(), false);
//map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, "");
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.Name, null, "名称", true, false, 0, 50, 10, true);
// add 2013-02-14 唯一确定此流程的标记
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.FlowMark, null, "流程标记", true, false, 0, 150, 10);
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.FlowEventEntity, null, "流程事件实体", true, true, 0, 150, 10);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.FlowMark, "");
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.FlowEventEntity, "");
// add 2013-02-05.
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.TitleRole, null, "标题生成规则", true, false, 0, 150, 10, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.TitleRole, "");
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.TitleRoleNodes, null, "生成标题的节点", true, false, 0, 300, 10);
string msg = "设置帮助";
//msg += "\r\n 1. 如果为空表示只在开始节点生成标题.";
//msg += "\r\n 2. * 表示在任意节点可生成标题.";
//msg += "\r\n 3. 要在指定的节点重新生成标题用逗号分开,比如: 102,105,109";
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.TitleRoleNodes, "");
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsCanStart, true, "可以独立启动否?(独立启动的流程可以显示在发起流程列表里)", true, true, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.IsCanStart, "");
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsFullSA, false, "是否自动计算未来的处理人?", true, true, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.IsFullSA, "");
//map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.IsAutoSendSubFlowOver, 0, "为子流程时结束规则", true, true,
// FlowAttr.IsAutoSendSubFlowOver, "@0=不处理@1=让父流程自动运行下一步@2=结束父流程");
//map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.GuestFlowRole, false, "是否外部用户参与流程(非组织结构人员参与的流程)", true, true, false);
map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.GuestFlowRole, (int)GuestFlowRole.None, "外部用户参与流程规则",
true, true, "GuestFlowRole", "@0=不参与@1=开始节点参与@2=中间节点参与");
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.GuestFlowRole, "");
// map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.FlowAppType, 0, "流程应用类型", true, true, "FlowAppType", "@0=业务流程@1=工程类(项目组流程)@2=公文流程(VSTO)");
//map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.FlowAppType, "");
//map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.SDTOfFlow, (int)TimelineRole.ByNodeSet, "时效性规则",
// true, true, FlowAttr.SDTOfFlow, "@0=按节点(由节点属性来定义)@1=按发起人(开始节点SysSDTOfFlow字段计算)");
//map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.TimelineRole, "");
// 草稿
map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.Draft, (int)DraftRole.None, "草稿规则",
true, true, FlowAttr.Draft, "@0=无(不设草稿)@1=保存到待办@2=保存到草稿箱");
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.Draft, "");
//为 莲荷科技增加一个系统类型, 用于存储当前所在流程树的第2级流程树编号.
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.SysType, null, "系统类型", false, false, 0, 50, 10, false);
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.Tester, null, "发起测试人", true, false, 0, 100, 10, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.Tester, "");
// add 2014-10-19.
map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.ChartType, (int)FlowChartType.Icon, "节点图形类型", true, true,
"ChartType", "@0=几何图形@1=肖像图片");
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.ChartType, "");
map.AddTBInt(FlowAttr.Idx, 0, "显示顺序号(在发起列表中)", true, false);
// map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.HostRun, null, "运行主机(IP+端口)", true, false, 0, 40, 10, true);
map.AddTBDateTime(FlowAttr.CreateDate, null, "创建日期", true, true);
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.Creater, null, "创建人", true, true, 0, 100, 10, true);
#endregion 基本属性。
#region 表单数据.
//批量发起 add 2013-12-27.
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsBatchStart, false, "是否可以批量发起流程?(如果是就要设置发起的需要填写的字段,多个用逗号分开)", false, true, true);
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.BatchStartFields, null, "发起字段s", true, false, 0, 100, 10, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.IsBatchStart, "");
//移动到这里 by zhoupeng 2016.04.08.
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsResetData, false, "是否启用开始节点数据重置按钮?已经取消)", false, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsLoadPriData, false, "是否自动装载上一笔数据?", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsDBTemplate, true, "是否启用数据模版?", true, true, true);
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsStartInMobile, true, "是否可以在手机里启用?(如果发起表单特别复杂就不要在手机里启用了)", true, true, true);
map.SetHelperAlert(FlowAttr.IsStartInMobile, "用于控制手机端流程发起列表.");
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsMD5, false, "是否是数据防止篡改(MD5数据加密防篡改)", true, true, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.IsMD5, "");
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsJM, false, "是否是数据加密流程(把所有字段加密存储)", true, true, true);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.IsJM, "");
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsEnableDBVer, false, "是否是启用数据版本控制", true, true, true);
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.PTable, null, "流程数据存储表", true, true, 0, 100, 10);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.PTable, "");
//add 2013-08-30.
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.BillNoFormat, null, "单据编号格式", true, false, 0, 50, 10, false);
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.BillNoFormat, "");
// add 2019-09-25 by zhoupeng
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.BuessFields, null, "关键业务字段", true, false, 0, 100, 10, false);
msg = "用于显示在待办上的业务字段信息.";
msg += "\t\n 1. 用户在看到待办的时候,就可以看到流程的实例的关键信息。";
msg += "\t\n 2. 用于待办的列表信息显示.";
msg += "\t\n 3. 配置格式为. Tel,Addr,Email 这些字段区分大小写并且是节点表单字段.";
msg += "\t\n 4. 数据存储在WF_GenerWorkFlow.AtPara里面.";
msg += "\t\n 5. 存储格式为: @BuessFields = 电话^Tel^18992323232;地址^Addr^山东杭州;";
map.SetHelperAlert(FlowAttr.BuessFields, msg);
map.AddTBString(FlowAttr.AdvEmps, null, "高级查询人员", true, false, 0, 100, 10, true);
//msg = "用于指定人员查询流程实例数据集合的设置.";
//msg += "\t\n 存储格式:人员编号以逗号分割如zhangsan,lisi,";
map.SetHelperUrl(FlowAttr.AdvEmps, "");
#endregion 表单数据.
#region 轨迹信息
//map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsFrmEnable, false, "是否显示表单", true, true, false);
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsTruckEnable, true, "是否显示轨迹图", true, true, false);
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsTimeBaseEnable, true, "是否显示时间轴", true, true, false);
map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsTableEnable, true, "是否显示时间表", true, true, false);
//map.AddBoolean(FlowAttr.IsOPEnable, false, "是否显示操作", true, true, false);
map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.SubFlowShowType, 0, "子流程轨迹图显示模式", true, true, FlowAttr.SubFlowShowType, "@0=平铺模式显示@1=合并模式显示");
map.AddDDLSysEnum(FlowAttr.TrackOrderBy, 0, "排序方式", true, true, FlowAttr.TrackOrderBy, "@0=按照时间先后顺序@1=倒序(新发生的在前面)");
#endregion 轨迹信息
#region 基本功能.
RefMethod rm = new RefMethod();
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "自动发起";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/AutoStart.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoSetStartFlowDataSources()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-plane";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "发起限制规则";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Limit.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoLimit()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-ban";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "发起前置导航";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/StartGuide.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoStartGuideV2019()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-list";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "流程事件"; // "调用事件接口";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoAction";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Event.png";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-energy";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "流程消息"; // "调用事件接口";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoMessage";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Message24.png";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-bubbles";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "轨迹查看权限";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Setting.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoTruckRight()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "修改ICON"; // "调用事件接口";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoNodesICON";
//// rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Event.png";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
//rm.Icon = "icon-heart";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "版本管理";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Node.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoVer()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-doc";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "权限控制";
// rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Node.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoPowerModel()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
// rm.GroupName = "实验中的功能";
rm.Icon = "icon-settings";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "批量发起";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/AutoStart.png";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoBatchStart()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
//rm.Icon = "icon-calculator";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "流程模版";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/undo.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoExps()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-paper-plane";
#endregion 流程设置.
#region 时限规则
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "计划时间计算规则";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoSDTOfFlow";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Event.png";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-clock";
/*rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCFormDesigner/Img/CH.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDeadLineRole()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
// rm.GroupName = "实验中的功能";
rm.Icon = "icon-clock";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "预警、超期消息事件";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCFormDesigner/Img/OvertimeRole.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoOverDeadLineRole()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-energy";
#endregion 时限规则
#region 开发接口.
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "与业务表数据同步";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDTSBTable()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-paper-plane";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "URL调用接口";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/URL.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoAPI()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-paper-plane";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "SDK开发接口";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/API.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoAPICode()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-paper-plane";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "代码事件开发接口";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoAPICodeFEE()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-paper-plane";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "流程属性自定义";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoFlowAttrExt()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-paper-plane";
#endregion 开发接口.
#region 流程运行维护.
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "重生成流程标题";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/DTS.gif";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoGenerTitle()";
//rm.RefAttrKey = FlowAttr.TitleRole;
rm.RefAttrLinkLabel = "重新生成流程标题";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
rm.Target = "_blank";
rm.Warning = "您确定要根据新的规则重新产生标题吗?";
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "重生成FlowEmps字段";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/DTS.gif";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoGenerFlowEmps()";
rm.RefAttrLinkLabel = "补充修复emps字段,包括wf_generworkflow,NDxxxRpt字段.";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
rm.Target = "_blank";
rm.Warning = "您确定要重新生成吗?";
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "重命名节点表单字段";
// rm.Warning = "您确定要处理吗?";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("FieldOld", null, "旧字段英文名", true, false, 0, 100, 100);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("FieldNew", null, "新字段英文名", true, false, 0, 100, 100);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("FieldNewName", null, "新字段中文名", true, false, 0, 100, 100);
rm.HisAttrs.AddBoolen("thisFlowOnly", true, "仅仅当前流程");
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoChangeFieldName";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "节点表单字段视图";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Field.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoFlowFields()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "删除指定日期范围内的流程";
rm.Warning = "您确定要删除吗?";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/Delete.gif";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBDateTime("DTFrom", null, "时间从", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBDateTime("DTTo", null, "时间到", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddBoolen("thisFlowOnly", true, "仅仅当前流程");
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDelFlows";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/Delete.gif";
rm.Title = "按工作ID删除"; // this.ToE("DelFlowData", "删除数据"); // "删除数据";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDelDataOne";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBInt("WorkID", 0, "输入工作ID", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("beizhu", null, "删除备注", true, false, 0, 100, 100);
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "强制设置接收人";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBInt("WorkID", 0, "输入工作ID", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBInt("NodeID", 0, "节点ID", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("Worker", null, "接受人编号", true, false, 0, 100, 100);
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoSetTodoEmps";
rm = new RefMethod();
// rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/Delete.gif";
rm.Title = "按工作ID强制结束"; // this.ToE("DelFlowData", "删除数据"); // "删除数据";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoStopFlow";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBInt("WorkID", 0, "输入工作ID", true, false);
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("beizhu", null, "备注", true, false, 0, 100, 100);
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "回滚流程";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/Back.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoRebackFlowData()";
// rm.Warning = "您确定要回滚它吗?";
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBInt("workid", 0, "请输入要会滚WorkID", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBInt("nodeid", 0, "回滚到的节点ID", true, false);
rm.HisAttrs.AddTBString("note", null, "回滚原因", true, false, 0, 600, 200);
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
#endregion 流程运行维护.
#region 流程监控.
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "设计报表"; // "报表运行";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/Rpt.gif";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoOpenRpt()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "监控面板";
//rm.Icon = ../../Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Monitor.png";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_Welcome()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
//rm.GroupName = "流程监控";
// rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "图形分析";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Group.png";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_DataCharts()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
//rm.GroupName = "流程监控";
//rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "综合查询";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Search.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_Search()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "综合分析";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Group.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_Group()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "实例增长分析";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Grow.png";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_InstanceGrowOneFlow()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
//rm.GroupName = "流程监控";
//rm.Visable = false;
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "逾期未完成实例";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Warning.png";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_InstanceWarning()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
//rm.GroupName = "流程监控";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "逾期已完成实例";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/overtime.png";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_InstanceOverTimeOneFlow()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
//rm.Visable = false;
//rm.GroupName = "流程监控";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "删除日志";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/log.png";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDataManger_DeleteLog()";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.RightFrameOpen;
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
#endregion 流程监控.
#region 实验中的功能
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "数据源管理(如果新增数据源后需要关闭重新打开)";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDBSrc";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Img/Btn/DTS.gif";
rm.RefAttrKey = FlowAttr.DTSDBSrc;
rm.RefAttrLinkLabel = "数据源管理";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
rm.Target = "_blank";
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "业务表字段同步配置";
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoBTable";
rm.Icon = BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Btn/DTS.gif";
rm.RefAttrKey = FlowAttr.DTSField;
rm.RefAttrLinkLabel = "业务表字段同步配置";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.LinkeWinOpen;
rm.Target = "_blank";
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "一键设置审核组件工作模式";
//rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Node.png";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
//rm.Warning = "您确定要设置审核组件模式吗? \t\n 1, 第2个节点以后的节点表单都指向第2个节点表单. \t\n 2, 结束节点都设置为只读模式. ";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoSetFWCModel()";
//rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
rm = new RefMethod();
rm.Title = "一键设置施工-监理模式";
rm.Icon = "../../WF/Admin/CCBPMDesigner/Img/Node.png";
rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoSDGaoSu()";
rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "删除NDxxRpt表,多余字段.";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDeleteFields()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
//rm.Warning = "您确定要执行吗? \t\n 1, 表NDxxxRpt是自动创建的. \t\n 2, 在设置流程过程中有些多余的字段会生成到NDxxRpt表里. \t\n 3,这里是删除数据字段为null 并且是多余的字段.";
//rm.GroupName = "实验中的功能";
//rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
//rm = new RefMethod();
//rm.Title = "删除NDxRpt表,数据为null的多余字段.";
//rm.ClassMethodName = this.ToString() + ".DoDeleteFieldsIsNull()";
//rm.RefMethodType = RefMethodType.Func;
//rm.Warning = "您确定要执行吗? \t\n 1, 表NDxxxRpt是自动创建的. \t\n 2, 在设置流程过程中有些多余的字段会生成到NDxxxRpt表里. \t\n 3,这里是删除数据字段为null 并且是多余的字段.";
//rm.GroupName = "实验中的功能";
//rm.Icon = "icon-briefcase";
#endregion 实验中的功能
this._enMap = map;
return this._enMap;
/// 设置施工监理审核模式.
public string DoSDGaoSu()
Nodes nds = new Nodes();
nds.Retrieve("FK_Flow", this.No);
foreach (Node nd in nds)
if (nd.ItIsStartNode == true)
continue; //开始节点不处理.
if (nd.NodeID.ToString().EndsWith("02") == true)
nd.HisDeliveryWay = DeliveryWay.BySQL;
// nd.DeliveryParas = "";
nd.HisDeliveryWay = DeliveryWay.BySpecNodeEmp;
nd.DeliveryParas = int.Parse(this.No + "02").ToString();
nd.TodolistModel = TodolistModel.Teamup;
nd.ItIsExpSender = false; //是否排除当前人员.
return "执行成功";
#region 流程监控.
public string DoDataManger_DataCharts()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/DataCharts.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
public string DoDataManger_Search()
return "../../Comm/Search.htm?EnsName=BP.WF.Data.GenerWorkFlowViews&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&WFSta=all";
public string DoDataManger_Group()
return "../../Comm/Group.htm?EnsName=BP.WF.Data.GenerWorkFlowViews&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&WFSta=all";
public string DoDataManger_DeleteLog()
return "../../Comm/Search.htm?EnsName=BP.WF.WorkFlowDeleteLogs&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&WFSta=all";
#endregion 流程监控.
#region 开发接口.
/// 执行删除指定日期范围内的流程
/// 日期从
/// 日期到
/// 仅仅删除当前流程?1=删除当前流程, 0=删除全部流程.
public string DoDelFlows(string dtFrom, string dtTo, Boolean isDelCurrFlow)
//if (BP.Web.WebUser.No != "admin")
if (BP.Web.WebUser.IsAdmin == false)
return "非管理员用户,不能删除。";
string sql = "";
if (isDelCurrFlow == true)
sql = "SELECT WorkID, FK_Flow FROM WF_GenerWorkFlow WHERE RDT >= '" + dtFrom + "' AND RDT <= '" + dtTo + "' AND FK_Flow='" + this.No + "' ";
sql = "SELECT WorkID, FK_Flow FROM WF_GenerWorkFlow WHERE RDT >= '" + dtFrom + "' AND RDT <= '" + dtTo + "' ";
DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
string msg = "如下流程ID被删除:";
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Int64 workid = Int64.Parse(dr["WorkID"].ToString());
string fk_flow = dr["FK_Flow"].ToString();
DoDelFlowByWorkID(workid, fk_flow);
msg += " " + workid;
return msg;
public void DoDelFlowByWorkID(Int64 workid, string fk_flow)
Flow flow = new Flow(fk_flow);
#region 删除独立表单数据
FrmNodes fns = new FrmNodes();
fns.Retrieve(FrmNodeAttr.FK_Flow, fk_flow);
string strs = "";
foreach (FrmNode frmNode in fns)
if (strs.Contains("@" + frmNode.FK_Frm) == true)
strs += "@" + frmNode.FK_Frm + "@";
MapData md = new MapData(frmNode.FK_Frm);
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + md.PTable + " WHERE OID=" + workid);
#endregion 删除独立表单数据
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_GenerWorkerlist Where (WorkID=" + workid + " OR FID=" + workid + ")");
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_CH Where (WorkID=" + workid + " OR FID=" + workid + ")");
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_CHEval Where WorkID=" + workid);
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_SelectAccper Where WorkID=" + workid);
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_TransferCustom Where WorkID=" + workid);
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_RememberMe Where FK_Node IN(SELECT NodeID From WF_Node WHERE FK_Flow='" + fk_flow + "')");
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_CCList WHERE WorkID=" + workid);
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM WF_GenerWorkFlow Where (WorkID=" + workid + " OR FID=" + workid + ")");
if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject("ND" + int.Parse(fk_flow) + "Track") == true)
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM ND" + int.Parse(fk_flow) + "Track Where (WorkID=" + workid + " OR FID=" + workid + ")");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(flow.PTable) == false && DBAccess.IsExitsObject(flow.PTable) == true)
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + flow.PTable + " Where OID=" + workid);
Nodes nds = new Nodes(fk_flow);
foreach (Node nd in nds)
Work wk = nd.HisWork;
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + wk.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " Where OID=" + workid);
MapDtls dtls = new MapDtls("ND" + nd.NodeID);
foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls)
DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + dtl.PTable + " WHERE RefPK=" + workid);
/// 批量重命名字段.
public string DoChangeFieldName(string fieldOld, string fieldNew, string FieldNewName, string thisFlowOnly)
if (thisFlowOnly == "1")
return DoChangeFieldNameOne(this, fieldOld, fieldNew, FieldNewName);
FlowExts fls = new FlowExts();
string resu = "";
foreach (FlowExt item in fls)
resu += " ==== " + DoChangeFieldNameOne(item, fieldOld, fieldNew, FieldNewName);
return resu;
public string DoChangeFieldNameOne(FlowExt flow, string fieldOld, string fieldNew, string FieldNewName)
string result = "开始执行对字段:" + fieldOld + " ,进行重命名。";
result += "
=============================================================== ";
Nodes nds = new Nodes(flow.No);
foreach (Node nd in nds)
result += " @ 执行节点:" + nd.Name + " 结果如下.
result += "
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ";
MapDataExt md = new MapDataExt("ND" + nd.NodeID);
result += "\t\n @" + md.DoChangeFieldName(fieldOld, fieldNew, FieldNewName);
result += "@ 执行Rpt结果如下.
MapDataExt rptMD = new MapDataExt("ND" + int.Parse(flow.No) + "Rpt");
result += "\t\n@ " + rptMD.DoChangeFieldName(fieldOld, fieldNew, FieldNewName);
result += "@ 执行MyRpt结果如下.
rptMD = new MapDataExt("ND" + int.Parse(flow.No) + "MyRpt");
if (rptMD.Retrieve() > 0)
result += "\t\n@ " + rptMD.DoChangeFieldName(fieldOld, fieldNew, FieldNewName);
return result;
/// 字段视图
public string DoFlowFields()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/FlowFields.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
/// 与业务表数据同步
public string DoDTSBTable()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/DTSBTable.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
public string DoAPI()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/API.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
public string DoAPICode()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/APICode.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
public string DoAPICodeFEE()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/APICodeFEE.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
/// 流程属性自定义
public string DoFlowAttrExt()
return "../../../DataUser/OverrideFiles/FlowAttrExts.html?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
public string DoVer()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/Ver.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
public string DoPowerModel()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/PowerModel.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
/// 时限规则
public string DoDeadLineRole()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/DeadLineRole.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
/// 预警、超期规则
public string DoOverDeadLineRole()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/PushMessage.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
#endregion 开发接口
#region 基本功能
/// 事件
public string DoAction()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/Action.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&tk=" + new Random().NextDouble();
/// 流程事件
public string DoMessage()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/PushMessage.htm?FK_Node=0&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&tk=" + new Random().NextDouble();
/// 计划玩成
public string DoSDTOfFlow()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/SDTOfFlow/Default.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&tk=" + new Random().NextDouble();
/// 节点标签
public string DoNodesICON()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/NodesIcon.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&tk=" + new Random().NextDouble();
public string DoDBSrc()
return "../../Comm/Sys/SFDBSrcNewGuide.htm";
public string DoBTable()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/DTSBTable.htm?s=d34&ShowType=FlowFrms&FK_Node=" + int.Parse(this.No) + "01&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&ExtType=StartFlow&RefNo=" + DataType.CurrentDateTime;
/// 批量发起
public string DoBatchStart()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/BatchStart.htm?s=d34&ShowType=FlowFrms&FK_Node=" + int.Parse(this.No) + "01&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&ExtType=StartFlow&RefNo=" + DataType.CurrentDateTime;
/// 批量修改节点属性
public string DoNodeAttrs()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/NodeAttrs.htm?NodeID=0&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&tk=" + new Random().NextDouble();
public string DoBindFlowExt()
return "../../Admin/Sln/BindFrms.htm?s=d34&ShowType=FlowFrms&FK_Node=0&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&ExtType=StartFlow";
/// 轨迹查看权限
public string DoTruckRight()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/TruckViewPower.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
/// 批量发起字段
public string DoBatchStartFields()
return "../../Admin/AttrNode/BatchStartFields.htm?s=d34&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&ExtType=StartFlow";
/// 执行流程数据表与业务表数据手工同步
public string DoBTableDTS()
Flow fl = new Flow(this.No);
return fl.DoBTableDTS();
/// 恢复已完成的流程数据到指定的节点,如果节点为0就恢复到最后一个完成的节点上去.
/// 要恢复的workid
/// 恢复到的节点编号,如果是0,标示回复到流程最后一个节点上去.
public string DoRebackFlowData(Int64 workid, int backToNodeID, string note)
if (note.Length <= 2)
return "请填写恢复已完成的流程原因.";
Flow fl = new Flow(this.No);
BP.WF.GERpt rpt = new BP.WF.GERpt("ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Rpt");
rpt.OID = workid;
int i = rpt.RetrieveFromDBSources();
if (i == 0)
throw new Exception("@错误,流程数据丢失。");
if (backToNodeID == 0)
backToNodeID = rpt.FlowEndNode;
Emp empStarter = new Emp(rpt.FlowStarter);
// 最后一个节点.
Node endN = new Node(backToNodeID);
GenerWorkFlow gwf = null;
bool isHaveGener = false;
#region 创建流程引擎主表数据.
gwf = new GenerWorkFlow();
gwf.WorkID = workid;
if (gwf.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1)
isHaveGener = true;
if (gwf.WFState != WFState.Complete)
throw new Exception("@当前工作ID为:" + workid + "的流程没有结束,不能采用此方法恢复。");
gwf.FlowNo = this.No;
gwf.FlowName = this.Name;
gwf.WorkID = workid;
gwf.PWorkID = rpt.PWorkID;
gwf.PFlowNo = rpt.PFlowNo;
gwf.PNodeID = rpt.PNodeID;
gwf.PEmp = rpt.PEmp;
gwf.NodeID = backToNodeID;
gwf.NodeName = endN.Name;
gwf.Starter = rpt.FlowStarter;
gwf.StarterName = empStarter.Name;
gwf.FlowSortNo = fl.FlowSortNo;
gwf.SysType = fl.SysType;
gwf.Title = rpt.Title;
gwf.WFState = WFState.ReturnSta; /*设置为退回的状态*/
gwf.TaskSta = TaskSta.None;/**取消共享模式*/
gwf.DeptNo = rpt.DeptNo;
Dept dept = new Dept(rpt.DeptNo);
gwf.DeptName = dept.Name;
gwf.PRI = 1;
DateTime dttime = DateTime.Now;
dttime = dttime.AddDays(3);
gwf.SDTOfNode = dttime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
gwf.SDTOfFlow = dttime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
if (isHaveGener)
gwf.Insert(); /*插入流程引擎数据.*/
#endregion 创建流程引擎主表数据
string ndTrack = "ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Track";
string actionType = (int)ActionType.Forward + "," + (int)ActionType.FlowOver + "," + (int)ActionType.ForwardFL + "," + (int)ActionType.ForwardHL + "," + (int)ActionType.Skip;
string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + ndTrack + " WHERE ActionType IN (" + actionType + ") and WorkID=" + workid + " ORDER BY RDT DESC, NDFrom ";
DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("@工作ID为:" + workid + "的数据不存在.");
string starter = "";
bool isMeetSpecNode = false;
GenerWorkerList currWl = new GenerWorkerList();
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
int ndFrom = int.Parse(dr["NDFrom"].ToString());
Node nd = new Node(ndFrom);
string ndFromT = dr["NDFromT"].ToString();
string EmpFrom = dr[TrackAttr.EmpFrom].ToString();
string EmpFromT = dr[TrackAttr.EmpFromT].ToString();
// 增加上 工作人员的信息.
GenerWorkerList gwl = new GenerWorkerList();
gwl.WorkID = workid;
gwl.FlowNo = this.No;
gwl.NodeID = ndFrom;
gwl.NodeName = ndFromT;
if (gwl.NodeID == backToNodeID)
gwl.ItIsPass = false;
currWl = gwl;
gwl.ItIsPass = true;
gwl.EmpNo = EmpFrom;
gwl.EmpName= EmpFromT;
if (gwl.IsExits)
continue; /*有可能是反复退回的情况.*/
Emp emp = new Emp(gwl.EmpNo);
gwl.DeptNo = emp.DeptNo;
gwl.SDT = dr["RDT"].ToString();
gwl.DTOfWarning = gwf.SDTOfNode;
gwl.ItIsEnable = true;
gwl.WhoExeIt = nd.WhoExeIt;
rpt.FlowEnder = currWl.EmpNo;
rpt.WFState = WFState.ReturnSta; /*设置为退回的状态*/
rpt.FlowEndNode = currWl.NodeID;
// 向接受人发送一条消息.
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Port_SendMsg(currWl.EmpNo, "工作恢复:" + gwf.Title, "工作被:" + WebUser.No + " 恢复." + note, "ReBack" + workid, BP.WF.SMSMsgType.SendSuccess, this.No, int.Parse(this.No + "01"), workid, 0);
WorkNode wn = new WorkNode(workid, currWl.NodeID);
wn.AddToTrack(ActionType.RebackOverFlow, currWl.EmpNo, currWl.EmpName, currWl.NodeID, currWl.NodeName, note);
return "@已经还原成功,现在的流程已经复原到(" + currWl.NodeName + "). @当前工作处理人为(" + currWl.EmpNo + " , " + currWl.EmpName + ") @请通知他处理工作.";
catch (Exception ex)
GenerWorkerList wl = new GenerWorkerList();
wl.Delete(GenerWorkerListAttr.WorkID, workid);
string sqls = "";
sqls += "@UPDATE " + fl.PTable + " SET WFState=" + (int)WFState.Complete + " WHERE OID=" + workid;
return "会滚期间出现错误
" + ex.Message;
/// 重新产生标题,根据新的规则.
public string DoGenerFlowEmps()
if (WebUser.IsAdmin == false)
return "非admin用户不能执行。";
Flow fl = new Flow(this.No);
GenerWorkFlows gwfs = new GenerWorkFlows();
gwfs.Retrieve(GenerWorkFlowAttr.FK_Flow, this.No);
foreach (GenerWorkFlow gwf in gwfs)
string emps = "@";
string sql = "SELECT EmpFrom,EmpFromT FROM ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Track WHERE WorkID=" + gwf.WorkID;
DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql);
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
if (emps.Contains("@" + dr[0].ToString() + "@") || emps.Contains("@" + dr[0].ToString() + "," + dr[1].ToString() + "@"))
emps += dr[0].ToString() + "," + dr[1].ToString() + "@";
sql = "UPDATE " + fl.PTable + " SET FlowEmps='" + emps + "' WHERE OID=" + gwf.WorkID;
sql = "UPDATE WF_GenerWorkFlow SET Emps='" + emps + "' WHERE WorkID=" + gwf.WorkID;
Node nd = fl.HisStartNode;
Works wks = nd.HisWorks;
string table = nd.HisWork.EnMap.PhysicsTable;
string tableRpt = "ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Rpt";
Sys.MapData md = new Sys.MapData(tableRpt);
foreach (Work wk in wks)
GERpt rpt = new GERpt(tableRpt, wk.OID);
if (rpt.FlowStarter != WebUser.No)
Emp emp = new Emp(rpt.FlowStarter);
string sql = "";
string title = BP.WF.WorkFlowBuessRole.GenerTitle(fl, wk);
Paras ps = new Paras();
ps.Add("Title", title);
ps.Add("OID", wk.OID);
ps.SQL = "UPDATE " + table + " SET Title=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "Title WHERE OID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "OID";
ps.SQL = "UPDATE " + md.PTable + " SET Title=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "Title WHERE OID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "OID";
ps.SQL = "UPDATE WF_GenerWorkFlow SET Title=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "Title WHERE WorkID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "OID";
Emp emp1 = new Emp("admin");
return "全部生成成功,影响数据(" + wks.Count + ")条";
/// 重新产生标题,根据新的规则.
public string DoGenerTitle()
if (WebUser.IsAdmin == false)
return "非管理员用户不能执行。";
string adminNo = WebUser.No;
Flow fl = new Flow(this.No);
Node nd = fl.HisStartNode;
Works wks = nd.HisWorks;
string table = nd.HisWork.EnMap.PhysicsTable;
string tableRpt = "ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Rpt";
MapData md = new MapData(tableRpt);
foreach (Work wk in wks)
if (wk.Rec != WebUser.No)
Emp emp = new Emp(wk.Rec);
string title = WorkFlowBuessRole.GenerTitle(fl, wk);
Paras ps = new Paras();
ps.Add("Title", title);
ps.Add("OID", wk.OID);
if (DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol(md.PTable, "Title") == true)
ps.SQL = "UPDATE " + md.PTable + " SET Title=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "Title WHERE OID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "OID";
if (table.Equals(md.PTable) == false && DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol(table, "Title") == true)
ps.SQL = "UPDATE " + table + " SET Title=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "Title WHERE OID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "OID";
ps.SQL = "UPDATE WF_GenerWorkFlow SET Title=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "Title WHERE WorkID=" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr + "OID";
Emp emp1 = new Emp(adminNo);
return "全部生成成功,影响数据(" + wks.Count + ")条";
/// 定义报表
public string DoAutoStartIt()
Flow fl = new Flow();
fl.No = this.No;
return fl.DoAutoStartIt();
/// 强制设置接受人
/// 工作人员ID
/// 节点ID
/// 工作人员
/// 执行结果.
public string DoSetTodoEmps(int workid, int nodeID, string worker)
GenerWorkFlow gwf = new GenerWorkFlow();
gwf.WorkID = workid;
if (gwf.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
return "workid=" + workid + "不正确.";
BP.Port.Emp emp = new Emp();
emp.UserID = worker;
if (emp.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
return "人员编号不正确" + worker + ".";
BP.WF.Node nd = new Node();
nd.NodeID = nodeID;
if (nd.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
return "err@节点编号[" + nodeID + "]不正确.";
gwf.NodeID = nodeID;
gwf.NodeName = nd.Name;
gwf.TodoEmps = emp.UserID + "," + emp.Name + ";";
gwf.TodoEmpsNum = 1;
gwf.HuiQianTaskSta = HuiQianTaskSta.None;
DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE WF_GenerWorkerlist SET IsPass=1 WHERE WorkID=" + workid);
GenerWorkerList gwl = new GenerWorkerList();
gwl.NodeID = nodeID;
gwl.WorkID = workid;
gwl.EmpNo = emp.UserID;
if (gwl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0)
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
gwl.EmpName= emp.Name;
if (nd.HisCHWay == CHWay.None)
gwl.SDT = "无";
gwl.SDT = dt.AddDays(3).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
gwl.RDT = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
gwl.ItIsRead = false;
gwl.ItIsRead = false;
gwl.PassInt = 0;
return "执行成功.";
/// 删除流程
public string DoDelDataOne(int workid, string note)
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Flow_DoDeleteFlowByReal(workid, true);
return "删除成功 workid=" + workid + " 理由:" + note;
catch (Exception ex)
return "删除失败:" + ex.Message;
public string DoStopFlow(Int64 workid, string note)
BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Flow_DoFlowOver(workid, note);
return "流程被强制结束 workid=" + workid + " 理由:" + note;
catch (Exception ex)
return "删除失败:" + ex.Message;
/// 设置发起数据源
public string DoSetStartFlowDataSources()
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.No) == true)
throw new Exception("传入的流程编号为空,请检查流程");
string flowID = int.Parse(this.No).ToString() + "01";
//return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/AutoStart.htm?s=d34&FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&ExtType=StartFlow&RefNo=";
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/AutoStart/Default.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No;
/// 执行运行
public string DoRunIt()
return "../../Admin/TestFlow.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
/// 执行检查
public string DoCheck()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/CheckFlow.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
public string TestingContainer()
return "../../Admin/TestingContainer/TestFlow2020.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
public string DoCheck2018Url()
return "../../Admin/Testing/FlowCheckError.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
/// 启动限制规则
/// 返回URL
public string DoLimit()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/Limit/Default.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
/// 设置发起前置导航
public string DoStartGuide()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/StartGuide.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
/// 设置发起前置导航
public string DoStartGuideV2019()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/StartGuide/Default.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
/// 导入
public string DoImp()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/Imp.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH&FK_FlowSort=" + this.FlowSortNo;
/// 导出
public string DoExps()
return "../../Admin/AttrFlow/Exp.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&Lang=CH";
/// 删除数据.
public string DoDelData()
Flow fl = new Flow();
fl.No = this.No;
return fl.DoDelData();
/// 运行报表
public string DoOpenRpt()
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(this.No) == true)
throw new Exception("传入的流程编号为空,请检查流程");
return "../../Admin/RptDfine/Default.htm?FK_Flow=" + this.No + "&DoType=Edit&FK_MapData=ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Rpt";
/// 更新之后的事情,也要更新缓存。
protected override void afterUpdate()
BP.Sys.Base.Glo.WriteUserLog("更新流程属性:" + this.Name + " - " + this.No);
// Flow fl = new Flow();
// fl.No = this.No;
// fl.RetrieveFromDBSources();
protected override bool beforeUpdate()
#region 同步事件实体.
string flowMark = this.FlowMark;
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(flowMark) == true)
flowMark = this.No;
this.FlowEventEntity = BP.WF.Glo.GetFlowEventEntityStringByFlowMark(flowMark);
this.FlowEventEntity = "";
#endregion 同步事件实体.
Flow fl = new Flow(this.No);
#region StartFlows的清缓存
if (fl.ItIsStartInMobile != this.ItIsStartInMobile || fl.ItIsCanStart != this.ItIsCanStart || fl.Name.Equals(this.Name) == false)
//清空WF_Emp 的StartFlows
DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE WF_Emp Set StartFlows =''");
#endregion StartFlows的清缓存
//2019-09-25 -by zhoupeng 为周大福增加 关键业务字段.
fl.BuessFields = this.GetValStrByKey(FlowAttr.BuessFields);
#region 检查数据完整性 - 同步业务表数据。
// 检查业务是否存在.
if (fl.DTSWay != DataDTSWay.None)
string sql = "select count(*) as Num from " + fl.DTSBTable + " where 1=2";
DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql, 0);
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("@业务表配置无效,您配置业务数据表[" + fl.DTSBTable + "]在数据中不存在,请检查拼写错误如果是跨数据库请加上用户名比如: for sqlserver: HR.dbo.Emps, For oracle: HR.Emps");
sql = "select " + fl.DTSBTablePK + " from " + fl.DTSBTable + " where 1=2";
DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql, 0);
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("@业务表配置无效,您配置业务数据表[" + fl.DTSBTablePK + "]的主键不存在。");
if (fl.DTSTime == FlowDTSTime.SpecNodeSend)
// 检查节点ID,是否符合格式.
string nodes = fl.DTSSpecNodes;
nodes = nodes.Replace(",", ",");
this.SetValByKey(FlowAttr.DTSSpecNodes, nodes);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(nodes) == true)
throw new Exception("@业务数据同步数据配置错误,您设置了按照指定的节点配置,但是您没有设置节点,节点的设置格式如下:101,102,103");
string[] strs = nodes.Split(',');
foreach (string str in strs)
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str) == true)
if (DataType.IsNumStr(str) == false)
throw new Exception("@业务数据同步数据配置错误,您设置了按照指定的节点配置,但是节点格式错误[" + nodes + "]。正确的格式如下:101,102,103");
Node nd = new Node();
nd.NodeID = int.Parse(str);
if (nd.IsExits == false)
throw new Exception("@业务数据同步数据配置错误,您设置的节点格式错误,节点[" + str + "]不是有效的节点。");
if (nd.FlowNo != this.No)
throw new Exception("@业务数据同步数据配置错误,您设置的节点[" + str + "]不再本流程内。");
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(fl.PTable) == false)
sql = "select count(*) as Num from " + fl.PTable + " WHERE 1=2";
DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql, 0);
catch (Exception)
throw new Exception("@流程数据存储表配置无效,您配置流程数据存储表[" + fl.PTable + "]在数据中不存在,请检查拼写错误如果是跨数据库请加上用户名比如: for sqlserver: HR.dbo.Emps, For oracle: HR.Emps");
#endregion 检查数据完整性. - 同步业务表数据。
return base.beforeUpdate();
protected override void afterInsertUpdateAction()
#region 更新PTale 后的业务处理
// 同步流程数据表.
string ndxxRpt = "ND" + int.Parse(this.No) + "Rpt";
Flow fl = new Flow(this.No);
//判断流程是不是有对应的实体绑定的流程,不同步修改低代码导出系统导入时报错 @hongyan
if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject("Frm_Method") == true)
string dbstr = SystemConfig.AppCenterDBVarStr;
string sql = "UPDATE Frm_Method SET Name=" + dbstr + "Name WHERE FlowNo=" + dbstr + "FlowNo AND MethodID=" + dbstr + "MethodID";
Paras paras = new Paras();
paras.SQL = sql;
paras.Add("Name", this.Name);
paras.Add("FlowNo", this.No);
paras.Add("MethodID", this.No);
MapData md = new MapData(ndxxRpt);
if (md.PTable.Equals(fl.PTable) == false)
md.PTable = fl.PTable;
Nodes nds = new Nodes();
nds.Retrieve(NodeAttr.FK_Flow, this.No);
foreach (Node nd in nds)
string sql = "";
if (nd.ItIsSubThread == true)
sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapData SET PTable=No WHERE No='ND" + nd.NodeID + "'";
sql = "UPDATE Sys_MapData SET PTable='" + fl.PTable + "' WHERE No='ND" + nd.NodeID + "'";
fl.CheckRpt(); // 检查业务表.
#endregion 更新PTale 后的业务处理
#region 为systype设置,当前所在节点的第2级别目录。
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(fl.FlowSortNo) == false)
FlowSort fs = new FlowSort(fl.FlowSortNo);
if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(fs.ParentNo) == true)
fs.ParentNo = "0";
if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.CCBPMRunModel == CCBPMRunModel.SAAS)
if (fs.ParentNo.Equals(WebUser.OrgNo) == true || fs.ParentNo.Equals("100") == true)
this.SysType = fl.FlowSortNo;
FlowSort fsP = new FlowSort(fs.ParentNo);
if (fs.ParentNo.Equals(WebUser.OrgNo) == true)
this.SysType = fsP.No;
FlowSort fsPP = new FlowSort(fsP.ParentNo);
this.SysType = fsPP.No;
if (fs.ParentNo.Equals("99") || fs.ParentNo.Equals("0"))
this.SysType = fl.FlowSortNo;
FlowSort fsP = new FlowSort(fs.ParentNo);
fsP.No = fs.ParentNo;
if (fsP.ParentNo == "99" || fsP.ParentNo == "0")
this.SysType = fsP.No;
FlowSort fsPP = new FlowSort();
fsPP.No = fsP.ParentNo;
if (fsPP.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 1)
this.SysType = fsPP.No;
#endregion 为systype设置,当前所在节点的第2级别目录。
fl = new Flow();
fl.No = this.No;
#region 实验中的功能.
/// 删除多余的字段.
public string DoDeleteFields()
return "尚未完成.";
/// 删除多余的字段.
public string DoDeleteFieldsIsNull()
return "尚未完成.";
/// 流程集合
public class FlowExts : EntitiesNoName
#region 查询
/// 查询出来全部的在生存期间内的流程
/// 流程类别
/// 是不是计算在生存期间内 true 查询出来全部的
public void Retrieve(string FlowSort)
QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this);
qo.AddWhere(BP.WF.Template.FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, FlowSort);
#region 构造方法
/// 工作流程
public FlowExts() { }
/// 工作流程
public FlowExts(string fk_sort)
this.Retrieve(BP.WF.Template.FlowAttr.FK_FlowSort, fk_sort);
#region 得到实体
/// 得到它的 Entity
public override Entity GetNewEntity
return new FlowExt();
#region 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List.
/// 转化成 java list,C#不能调用.
/// List
public System.Collections.Generic.IList ToJavaList()
return (System.Collections.Generic.IList)this;
/// 转化成list
/// List
public System.Collections.Generic.List Tolist()
System.Collections.Generic.List list = new System.Collections.Generic.List();
for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
return list;
#endregion 为了适应自动翻译成java的需要,把实体转换成List.