using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlClient; using BP.DA; using System.Data; using BP.Sys; using BP.Sys.XML; using System.Reflection; namespace BP.En { /// /// Entity 的摘要说明。 /// [Serializable] abstract public class Entity : EnObj { #region 自动标记获取属性实体方法. /// /// 从AutoNum缓存中获取实体s /// /// 实体集合 /// 查询的外键 /// 外键值 /// 返回实体集合 public Entities GetEntitiesAttrFromAutoNumCash(Entities ens, string refKey, object refVal, string refKey2 = null, object refVal2 = null, string orderBy = null) { //获得段类名. string clsName = ens.ClassIDOfShort; //判断内存是否有? Entities objs = this.GetRefObject(clsName) as Entities; if (objs != null) return objs; //如果缓存有值,就直接返回. int count = this.GetParaInt(clsName + "_AutoNum", -1); /*if (count == -1) { if (refKey2 == null) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) == false) ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal, orderBy); else ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal); } else { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) == false) ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal, refKey2, refVal2, orderBy); else ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal, refKey2, refVal2); } this.SetPara(clsName + "_AutoNum", ens.Count); //设置他的数量. this.DirectUpdate(); this.SetRefObject(clsName, ens); return ens; } if (count == 0) { ens.Clear(); this.SetRefObject(clsName, ens); return ens; }*/ if (refKey2 == null) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) == false) ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal, orderBy); else ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal); } else { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy) == false) ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal, refKey2, refVal2, orderBy); else ens.Retrieve(refKey, refVal, refKey2, refVal2); } if (ens.Count != count) { this.SetPara(clsName + "_AutoNum", ens.Count); //设置他的数量. this.DirectUpdate(); } this.SetRefObject(clsName, ens); return ens; } /// /// 清除缓存记录 /// 把值设置为 -1,执行的时候,让其重新获取. /// public void ClearAutoNumCash(bool isUpdata = true, string clearKey = null) { bool isHave = false; foreach (string key in this.atPara.HisHT.Keys) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(key) == true) continue; if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(clearKey) == false && key.Equals(clearKey) == false) continue; if (key.EndsWith("_AutoNum") == true) { if (this.GetParaInt(key) != -1) { this.SetPara(key, -1); this.SetRefObject(key.Replace("_AutoNum", ""), null); isHave = true; } } } if (isHave == true && isUpdata == true) this.DirectUpdate(); } #endregion 自动标记获取属性实体方法. #region 与缓存有关的操作 private Entities _GetNewEntities = null; public virtual Entities GetNewEntities { get { if (_GetNewEntities == null) { string str = this.ToString(); ArrayList al = ClassFactory.GetObjects("BP.En.Entities"); foreach (Object o in al) { Entities ens = o as Entities; if (ens == null) continue; if (ens.GetNewEntity.ToString() == str) { _GetNewEntities = ens; return _GetNewEntities; } } throw new Exception("@no ens" + this.ToString()); } return _GetNewEntities; } } /// /// 类名 /// public virtual string ClassID { get { return this.ToString(); } } /// /// 短类名 /// public virtual string ClassIDOfShort { get { string clsID = this.ClassID; return clsID.Substring(clsID.LastIndexOf('.') + 1); } } #endregion #region 与sql操作有关 protected SQLCash _SQLCash = null; public virtual SQLCash SQLCash { get { if (_SQLCash == null) { _SQLCash = Cash.GetSQL(this.ToString()); if (_SQLCash == null) { _SQLCash = new SQLCash(this); Cash.SetSQL(this.ToString(), _SQLCash); } } return _SQLCash; } set { _SQLCash = value; } } /// /// 把一个实体转化成Json. /// /// 是否转换参数字段 /// 返回该实体的单个json public string ToJson(bool isInParaFields = true) { Hashtable ht = this.Row; //如果不包含参数字段. if (isInParaFields == false) return BP.Tools.Json.ToJsonEntityModel(ht); if (ht.ContainsKey("AtPara") == false) return BP.Tools.Json.ToJsonEntityModel(ht); try { /*如果包含这个字段 @FK_BanJi=01 */ AtPara ap = this.atPara; foreach (string key in ap.HisHT.Keys) { if (ht.ContainsKey(key) == true) continue; ht.Add(key, ap.HisHT[key]); } //把参数属性移除. ht.Remove("_ATObj_"); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@ ToJson " + ex.Message); } return BP.Tools.Json.ToJson(ht); } /// /// 创建一个空的表 /// /// /// public DataTable ToEmptyTableField(Entity en = null) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (en == null) en = this; dt.TableName = en.EnMap.PhysicsTable; foreach (Attr attr in en.EnMap.Attrs) { switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; case DataType.AppInt: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(int))); break; case DataType.AppFloat: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; case DataType.AppBoolean: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; case DataType.AppDouble: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; case DataType.AppMoney: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; case DataType.AppDate: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; case DataType.AppDateTime: dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(attr.Key, typeof(string))); break; default: throw new Exception("@bulider insert sql error: 没有这个数据类型"); } } return dt; } public DataTable ToDataTableField(string tableName = "Main") { DataTable dt = this.ToEmptyTableField(this); dt.TableName = tableName; //增加参数列. if (this.Row.ContainsKey("AtPara") == true) { /*如果包含这个字段,就说明他有参数,把参数也要弄成一个列.*/ AtPara ap = this.atPara; foreach (string key in ap.HisHT.Keys) { if (dt.Columns.Contains(key) == true) continue; dt.Columns.Add(key, typeof(string)); } } DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { if (this.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key) == 1) dr[attr.Key] = "1"; else dr[attr.Key] = "0"; continue; } /*如果是外键 就要去掉左右空格。 * */ if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.FK || attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.PKFK) { dr[attr.Key] = this.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString().Trim(); } else { var obj = this.GetValByKey(attr.Key); if (obj == null && attr.IsNum) { dr[attr.Key] = DBNull.Value; continue; } if (attr.IsNum == true && DataType.IsNumStr(obj.ToString()) == false) dr[attr.Key] = DBNull.Value; else dr[attr.Key] = obj; } } if (this.Row.ContainsKey("AtPara") == true) { /*如果包含这个字段*/ AtPara ap = this.atPara; foreach (string key in ap.HisHT.Keys) if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[key].ToString()) == true) dr[key] = ap.HisHT[key]; } dt.Rows.Add(dr); return dt; } #endregion #region 关于database 操作 public int RunSQL(string sql) { Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.SQL = sql; return this.RunSQL(ps); } /// /// 在此实体是运行sql 返回结果集合 /// /// 要运行的sql /// 执行的结果 public int RunSQL(Paras ps) { switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: return DBAccess.RunSQL(ps); default: throw new Exception("@没有设置类型。"); } } public int RunSQL(string sql, Paras paras) { switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: return DBAccess.RunSQL(sql, paras); default: throw new Exception("@没有设置类型。"); } } /// /// 在此实体是运行sql 返回结果集合 /// /// 要运行的 select sql /// 执行的查询结果 public DataTable RunSQLReturnTable(string sql, Paras paras = null) { switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql, paras); default: throw new Exception("@没有设置类型。"); } } /// /// 查询SQL返回int /// /// /// /// public int RunSQLReturnValInt(string sql, Paras paras = null) { if (paras == null) paras = new Paras(); paras.SQL = sql; switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: return DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(paras, 0); default: throw new Exception("@没有设置类型。"); } } #endregion #region 关于明细的操作 public Entities GetDtlEnsDa(EnDtl dtl, string pkval = null) { try { if (pkval == null) pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(dtl.Ens); MapDtl md = new MapDtl(); md.No = dtl.Ens.GetNewEntity.ClassID; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { qo.AddWhere(dtl.RefKey, pkval); qo.DoQuery(); return dtl.Ens; } //如果是freefrm 就考虑他的权限控制问题. switch (md.DtlOpenType) { case DtlOpenType.ForEmp: // 按人员来控制. qo.AddWhere(GEDtlAttr.RefPK, pkval); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(GEDtlAttr.Rec, BP.Web.WebUser.No); break; case DtlOpenType.ForWorkID: // 按工作ID来控制 qo.AddWhere(GEDtlAttr.RefPK, pkval); break; case DtlOpenType.ForFID: // 按流程ID来控制.这里不允许修改,如需修改则加新case. //if (nd == null) // throw new Exception("@当前您是配置的权限是FID,但是当前没有节点ID."); //if (nd.HisNodeWorkType == BP.WF.NodeWorkType.SubThreadWork) // qo.AddWhere(GEDtlAttr.RefPK, this.FID); //edit by zhoupeng 2016.04.23 //else qo.AddWhere(GEDtlAttr.FID, pkval); break; } if (md.FilterSQLExp != "") { string[] strs = md.FilterSQLExp.Split('='); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(strs[0], strs[1]); } qo.DoQuery(); return dtl.Ens; } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("@在取[" + this.EnDesc + "]的明细时出现错误。[" + dtl.Desc + "],不在他的集合内。"); } } public List GetDtlsDatasOfList(string pkval = null) { List al = new List(); foreach (EnDtl dtl in this.EnMap.Dtls) { al.Add(this.GetDtlEnsDa(dtl, pkval)); } return al; } #endregion #region 检查一个属性值是否存在于实体集合中 /// /// 检查一个属性值是否存在于实体集合中 /// 这个方法经常用到在beforeinsert中。 /// /// 要检查的key. /// 要检查的key.对应的val /// protected int ExitsValueNum(string key, string val) { string field = this.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(key); Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.Add("p", val); string sql = "SELECT COUNT( " + key + " ) FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + key + "=" + this.HisDBVarStr + "p"; return int.Parse(DBAccess.RunSQLReturnVal(sql, ps).ToString()); } #endregion #region 于编号有关系的处理。 /// /// 这个方法是为不分级字典,生成一个编号。根据制订的 属性. /// /// 属性 /// 产生的序号 public string GenerNewNoByKey(string attrKey, Attr attr = null) { try { string sql = null; if (attr == null) attr = this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attrKey); // if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) // throw new Exception("@需要自动生成编号的列(" + attr.Key + ")必须为只读。"); string field = this.EnMap.GetFieldByKey(attrKey); switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: sql = "SELECT CONVERT(INT, MAX(CAST(" + field + " as int)) )+1 AS No FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable; break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: sql = "SELECT to_number( MAX(" + field + ") ,'99999999')+1 FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable; break; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.DM: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: sql = "SELECT MAX(" + field + ") +1 AS No FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable; break; case DBType.MySQL: sql = "SELECT CONVERT(MAX(CAST(" + field + " AS SIGNED INTEGER)),SIGNED) +1 AS No FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable; break; case DBType.Informix: sql = "SELECT MAX(" + field + ") +1 AS No FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable; break; case DBType.Access: sql = "SELECT MAX( [" + field + "]) +1 AS No FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable; break; default: throw new Exception("error"); } string str = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql, 1).ToString(); if (str == "0" || str == "") str = "1"; return str.PadLeft(int.Parse(this._enMap.CodeStruct), '0'); } catch (Exception ex) { this.CheckPhysicsTable(); throw ex; } } #endregion #region 构造方法 public Entity() { } #endregion #region 排序操作 protected void DoOrderUp(string idxAttr) { // string pkval = this.PKVal as string; string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + "," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " ORDER BY " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string beforeNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { idx++; myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; if (isMeet == false) beforeNo = myNo; DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"); } DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + beforeNo + "'"); DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"); } protected void DoOrderUp(string groupKeyAttr, string groupKeyVal, string idxAttr) { // string pkval = this.PKVal as string; string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + "," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + groupKeyAttr + "='" + groupKeyVal + "' ORDER BY " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string beforeNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { idx++; myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; if (isMeet == false) beforeNo = myNo; DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"); } DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + beforeNo + "'"); DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"); } protected void DoOrderUp(string groupKeyAttr, object gVal1, string gKey2, object gVal2, string idxAttr) { // string pkval = this.PKVal as string; string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + "," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + gVal1 + "' AND " + gKey2 + "='" + gVal2 + "') ORDER BY " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string beforeNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { idx++; myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (myNo.Equals(pkval) == true) isMeet = true; if (isMeet == false) beforeNo = myNo; DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"); } DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + beforeNo + "'"); DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"); } /// /// 上移 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// protected void DoOrderUp(string groupKeyAttr, object gVal1, string gKey2, object gVal2, string gKey3, object gVal3, string idxAttr) { // string pkval = this.PKVal as string; string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + "," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + gVal1 + "' AND " + gKey2 + "='" + gVal2 + "' AND " + gKey3 + "='" + gVal3 + "') ORDER BY " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string beforeNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { idx++; myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (myNo.Equals(pkval) == true) isMeet = true; if (isMeet == false) beforeNo = myNo; DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"); } DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + beforeNo + "'"); DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"); } /// /// 上移 /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// protected void DoOrderUp(string groupKeyAttr, object gVal1, string gKey2, object gVal2, string gKey3, object gVal3, string gKey4, object gVal4, string idxAttr) { // string pkval = this.PKVal as string; string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + "," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + gVal1 + "' AND " + gKey2 + "='" + gVal2 + "' AND " + gKey3 + "='" + gVal3 + "' AND " + gKey4 + "='" + gVal4 + "') ORDER BY " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string beforeNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { idx++; myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (myNo.Equals(pkval) == true) isMeet = true; if (isMeet == false) beforeNo = myNo; DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"); } DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + beforeNo + "'"); DBAccess.RunSQL("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"); } /// /// 插队 /// /// Idx列 /// 要插入的指定实体主键值 /// 列名 /// 列值 protected void DoOrderInsertTo(string idxAttr, object entityPKVal, string groupKey) { string ptable = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; // Sys_MapAttr string pk = this.PK; //MyPK int idx = this.GetValIntByKey(idxAttr); // 当前实体的idx. 10 // string groupVal = this.GetValStringByKey(groupKey); //分组的val. 101 //求出来要被插队的 idx. string sql = ""; sql = "SELECT " + idxAttr + "," + groupKey + " FROM " + ptable + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + entityPKVal + "'"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idxFirst = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); string groupValFirst = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString(); sql = "UPDATE " + ptable + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxFirst + "-1, " + groupKey + "='" + groupValFirst + "' WHERE " + this.PK + "='" + this.PKVal + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } /// /// 排序 /// /// protected void DoOrderDown(string idxAttr) { string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + " ," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " order by " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string nextNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; string sqls = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (isMeet == true) { nextNo = myNo; isMeet = false; } idx++; if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"; } sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + nextNo + "'"; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQLs(sqls); } protected void DoOrderDown(string groupKeyAttr, string groupKeyVal, string idxAttr) { string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + " ," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + groupKeyAttr + "='" + groupKeyVal + "' order by " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string nextNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; string sqls = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (isMeet == true) { nextNo = myNo; isMeet = false; } idx++; if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"; } sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + nextNo + "'"; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQLs(sqls); } /// /// 插入到之前 /// /// 分组属性 /// 分组值 /// Idx属性 /// 要移动到的主键值 protected void DoOrderMoveTo(string groupKeyAttr, string groupKeyVal, string idxAttr, string moveToPK) { string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + " ," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + groupKeyAttr + "='" + groupKeyVal + "' order by " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string nextNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; string sqls = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (isMeet == true) { nextNo = myNo; isMeet = false; } idx++; if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "'"; } sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + nextNo + "'"; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQLs(sqls); } /// /// 下移 /// /// 分组字段1 /// 值1 /// 字段2 /// 值2 /// 排序字段 protected void DoOrderDown(string groupKeyAttr, object val1, string gKeyAttr2, object gKeyVal2, string idxAttr) { string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + " ," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' ) order by " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string nextNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; string sqls = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (isMeet == true) { nextNo = myNo; isMeet = false; } idx++; if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; sqls += "@UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' ) "; } sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + nextNo + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' )"; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' )"; DBAccess.RunSQLs(sqls); } /// /// 下移 /// /// 字段1 /// 值1 /// 字段2 /// 值2 /// 字段3 /// 值3 /// 排序字段 protected void DoOrderDown(string groupKeyAttr, object val1, string gKeyAttr2, object gKeyVal2, string gKeyAttr3, object gKeyVal3, string idxAttr) { string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + " ," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr3 + "='" + gKeyVal3 + "' ) order by " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string nextNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; string sqls = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (isMeet == true) { nextNo = myNo; isMeet = false; } idx++; if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; sqls += "@UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' ) "; } sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + nextNo + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr3 + "='" + gKeyVal3 + "' )"; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr3 + "='" + gKeyVal3 + "' )"; DBAccess.RunSQLs(sqls); } /// /// 下移 /// /// 字段1 /// 值1 /// 字段2 /// 值2 /// 字段3 /// 值3 /// 排序字段 protected void DoOrderDown(string groupKeyAttr, object val1, string gKeyAttr2, object gKeyVal2, string gKeyAttr3, object gKeyVal3, string gKeyAttr4, object gKeyVal4, string idxAttr) { string pkval = this.PKVal.ToString(); string pk = this.PK; string table = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "SELECT " + pk + " ," + idxAttr + " FROM " + table + " WHERE (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr3 + "='" + gKeyVal3 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr4 + "='" + gKeyVal4 + "' ) order by " + idxAttr; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; string nextNo = ""; string myNo = ""; bool isMeet = false; string sqls = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { myNo = dr[pk].ToString(); if (isMeet == true) { nextNo = myNo; isMeet = false; } idx++; if (myNo == pkval) isMeet = true; sqls += "@UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idx + " WHERE " + pk + "='" + myNo + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' ) "; } sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "-1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + nextNo + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr3 + "='" + gKeyVal3 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr4 + "='" + gKeyVal4 + "' )"; sqls += "@ UPDATE " + table + " SET " + idxAttr + "=" + idxAttr + "+1 WHERE " + pk + "='" + pkval + "' AND (" + groupKeyAttr + "='" + val1 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr2 + "='" + gKeyVal2 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr3 + "='" + gKeyVal3 + "' AND " + gKeyAttr4 + "='" + gKeyVal4 + "' )"; DBAccess.RunSQLs(sqls); } #endregion 排序操作 #region 直接操作 /// /// 直接更新 /// public int DirectUpdate() { try { return EntityDBAccess.Update(this, null); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("列名") || ex.Message.Contains("将截断字符串") || ex.Message.Contains("缺少") || ex.Message.Contains("的值太大")) { /*说明字符串长度有问题.*/ this.CheckPhysicsTable(); //执行字段扩充检查. bool isCheck = CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength(ex); if (isCheck == true) return this.DirectUpdate(); } throw ex; } } /// /// 直接的Insert /// public virtual int DirectInsert() { try { var paras = SqlBuilder.GenerParas(this, null); switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: return this.RunSQL(this.SQLCash.Insert, paras); case DBType.Access: return this.RunSQL(this.SQLCash.Insert, paras); break; case DBType.MySQL: case DBType.Informix: default: return this.RunSQL(this.SQLCash.Insert.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""), paras); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.CheckPhysicsTable(); //执行字段扩充检查. bool isCheck = CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength(ex); if (isCheck == true) return this.Insert(); throw ex; } //this.RunSQL(this.SQLCash.Insert, SqlBuilder.GenerParas(this, null)); } /// /// 直接的Delete /// public void DirectDelete() { EntityDBAccess.Delete(this); } public void DirectSave() { if (this.IsExits) this.DirectUpdate(); else this.DirectInsert(); } #endregion #region Retrieve /// /// 按照属性查询 /// /// 属性名称 /// 值 /// 是否查询到 public bool RetrieveByAttrAnd(string attr1, object val1, string attr2, object val2) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(attr1, val1); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(attr2, val2); if (qo.DoQuery() >= 1) return true; else return false; } /// /// 按照属性查询 /// /// 属性名称 /// 值 /// 是否查询到 public bool RetrieveByAttrOr(string attr1, object val1, string attr2, object val2) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(attr1, val1); qo.addOr(); qo.AddWhere(attr2, val2); if (qo.DoQuery() == 1) return true; else return false; } /// /// 按照属性查询 /// /// 属性名称 /// 值 /// 是否查询到 public bool RetrieveByAttr(string attr, object val) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(attr, val); if (qo.DoQuery() > 0) return true; else return false; } /// /// 从DBSources直接查询 /// /// 查询的个数 public virtual int RetrieveFromDBSources() { try { return EntityDBAccess.Retrieve(this, this.SQLCash.Select, SqlBuilder.GenerParasPK(this)); } catch { this.CheckPhysicsTable(); return EntityDBAccess.Retrieve(this, this.SQLCash.Select, SqlBuilder.GenerParasPK(this)); } } /// /// 查询 /// /// /// /// public int Retrieve(string key, object val) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(key, val); return qo.DoQuery(); } public int Retrieve(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(key1, val1); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(key2, val2); return qo.DoQuery(); } public int Retrieve(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2, string key3, object val3) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(key1, val1); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(key2, val2); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(key3, val3); return qo.DoQuery(); } /// /// 按主键查询,返回查询出来的个数。 /// 如果查询出来的是多个实体,那把第一个实体给值。 /// /// 查询出来的个数 public virtual int Retrieve() { /*如果是没有放入缓存的实体. @wangyanyan */ if (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity == Depositary.Application) { var row = Cash2019.GetRow(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString()); if (row != null && row.Count > 2) { this.Row = row; return 1; } } try { int num = EntityDBAccess.Retrieve(this, this.SQLCash.Select, SqlBuilder.GenerParasPK(this)); if (num >= 1) { //放入缓存. if (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity == Depositary.Application) Cash2019.PutRow(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString(), this.Row); return num; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("does not exist") || ex.Message.Contains("不存在") || ex.Message.Contains("doesn't exist") //@wwh. || ex.Message.Contains("无效") || ex.Message.Contains("field list")) { this.CheckPhysicsTable(); if (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType == DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN && DBAccess.IsView(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) == false) return Retrieve(); //让其在查询一遍. } throw new Exception(ex.Message + "@在Entity(" + this.ToString() + ")查询期间出现错误@" + ex.StackTrace); } string msg = ""; switch (this.PK) { case "OID": msg += "[ 主键=OID 值=" + this.GetValStrByKey("OID") + " ]"; break; case "No": msg += "[ 主键=No 值=" + this.GetValStrByKey("No") + " ]"; break; case "MyPK": msg += "[ 主键=MyPK 值=" + this.GetValStrByKey("MyPK") + " ]"; break; case "NodeID": msg += "[ 主键=NodeID 值=" + this.GetValStrByKey("NodeID") + " ]"; break; case "WorkID": msg += "[ 主键=WorkID 值=" + this.GetValStrByKey("WorkID") + " ]"; break; default: Hashtable ht = this.PKVals; foreach (string key in ht.Keys) msg += "[ 主键=" + key + " 值=" + ht[key] + " ]"; break; } BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@没有[" + this.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ", 类[" + this.ToString() + "], 物理表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "] 实例。PK = " + this.GetValByKey(this.PK)); throw new Exception("@记录[" + this.EnMap.EnDesc + " " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + ", " + msg + "不存在. 类:" + this.ToString()); } /// /// 判断是不是存在的方法. /// /// public virtual bool IsExits { get { try { if (this.PKField.Contains(",")) { Attrs attrs = this.EnMap.Attrs; /*说明多个主键*/ QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); string[] pks = this.PKField.Split(','); bool isNeedAddAnd = false; foreach (string pk in pks) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(pk)) continue; if (isNeedAddAnd == true) { qo.addAnd(); } else { isNeedAddAnd = true; } Attr attr = attrs.GetAttrByKey(pk); switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppBoolean: case DataType.AppInt: qo.AddWhere(pk, this.GetValIntByKey(attr.Key)); break; case DataType.AppDouble: case DataType.AppMoney: qo.AddWhere(pk, this.GetValDecimalByKey(attr.Key)); break; default: qo.AddWhere(pk, this.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key)); break; } } if (qo.DoQueryToTable().Rows.Count == 0) return false; return true; } object obj = this.PKVal; if (obj == null || obj.ToString() == "") return false; if (this.IsOIDEntity) if (obj.ToString() == "0") return false; // 生成数据库判断语句。 string selectSQL = "SELECT " + this.PKField + " FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE "; switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: selectSQL += SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfMS(this); break; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.DM: case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: selectSQL += SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOraForPara(this); break; case DBType.Informix: selectSQL += SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfInformixForPara(this); break; case DBType.MySQL: selectSQL += SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfMS(this); break; case DBType.Access: selectSQL += SqlBuilder.GetKeyConditionOfOLE(this); break; default: throw new Exception("@没有设计到。" + this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType); } // 从数据库里面查询,判断有没有。 switch (this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType) { case DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN: return DBAccess.IsExits(selectSQL, SqlBuilder.GenerParasPK(this)); //case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfMSSQL1: // return DBAccessOfMSSQL1.IsExits(selectSQL); //case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfMSSQL2: // return DBAccessOfMSSQL2.IsExits(selectSQL); //case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfOracle1: // return DBAccessOfOracle1.IsExits(selectSQL); //case DBUrlType.DBAccessOfOracle2: // return DBAccessOfOracle2.IsExits(selectSQL); default: throw new Exception("@没有设计到的DBUrl。" + this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.CheckPhysicsTable(); throw ex; } } } /// /// 这个表里是否存在 /// /// /// /// public bool IsExit(string pk, object val) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(pk, val); if (qo.DoQuery() == 0) return false; else return true; } public bool IsExit(string pk1, object val1, string pk2, object val2) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(pk1, val1); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(pk2, val2); if (qo.DoQuery() == 0) return false; else return true; } public bool IsExit(string pk1, object val1, string pk2, object val2, string pk3, object val3) { QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(this); qo.AddWhere(pk1, val1); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(pk2, val2); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(pk3, val3); if (qo.DoQuery() == 0) return false; else return true; } #endregion #region 删除. /// /// 删除之前要做的工作 /// /// protected virtual bool beforeDelete() { return true; } public void DeleteFromCash() { //删除缓存. CashEntity.Delete(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString()); // 删除数据. this.Row.Clear(); } public int Delete() { if (this.beforeDelete() == false) return 0; int i = 0; try { i = EntityDBAccess.Delete(this); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError(ex.Message); throw ex; } //更新缓存. @wangyanyan if (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity == Depositary.Application) Cash2019.DeleteRow(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString()); this.afterDelete(); return i; } /// /// 直接删除指定的 /// /// public int Delete(object pk) { Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.Add(this.PK, pk); return DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + this.PK + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + pk); } /// /// 删除指定的数据 /// /// /// public int Delete(string attr, object val) { Paras ps = new Paras(); ps.Add(attr, val); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldIsParaDBType == true) { ps.Add(attr, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr, val)); } else { ps.Add(attr, val); } return DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr, ps); } public int Delete(string attr1, object val1, string attr2, object val2) { Paras ps = new Paras(); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldIsParaDBType == true) { ps.Add(attr1, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr1, val1)); ps.Add(attr2, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr2, val2)); } else { ps.Add(attr1, val1); ps.Add(attr2, val2); } return DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr1).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr1 + " AND " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr2).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr2, ps); } public int Delete(string attr1, object val1, string attr2, object val2, string attr3, object val3) { Paras ps = new Paras(); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldIsParaDBType == true) { ps.Add(attr1, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr1, val1)); ps.Add(attr2, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr2, val2)); ps.Add(attr3, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr3, val3)); } else { ps.Add(attr1, val1); ps.Add(attr2, val2); ps.Add(attr3, val3); } return DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr1).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr1 + " AND " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr2).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr2 + " AND " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr3).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr3, ps); } public int Delete(string attr1, object val1, string attr2, object val2, string attr3, object val3, string attr4, object val4) { Paras ps = new Paras(); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBFieldIsParaDBType == true) { ps.Add(attr1, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr1, val1)); ps.Add(attr2, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr2, val2)); ps.Add(attr3, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr3, val3)); ps.Add(attr4, BP.Sys.Base.Glo.GenerRealType(this.EnMap.Attrs, attr4, val4)); } else { ps.Add(attr1, val1); ps.Add(attr2, val2); ps.Add(attr3, val3); ps.Add(attr4, val4); } return DBAccess.RunSQL("DELETE FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr1).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr1 + " AND " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr2).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr2 + " AND " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr3).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr3 + " AND " + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(attr4).Field + " =" + this.HisDBVarStr + attr4, ps); } protected virtual void afterDelete() { if (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity != Depositary.Application) return; ///删除缓存。 CashEntity.Delete(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString()); return; } #endregion #region 参数字段 public AtPara atPara { get { AtPara at = this.Row.GetValByKey("_ATObj_") as AtPara; if (at != null) return at; try { string atParaStr = this.GetValStringByKey("AtPara"); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(atParaStr)) { // 重新获取一次。 atParaStr = this.GetValStringByKey("AtPara"); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(atParaStr)) atParaStr = ""; at = new AtPara(atParaStr); this.SetValByKey("_ATObj_", at); return at; } at = new AtPara(atParaStr); this.SetValByKey("_ATObj_", at); return at; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("@获取参数AtPara时出现异常" + ex.Message + ",可能是您没有加入约定的参数字段AtPara. " + ex.Message); } } } /// /// 获取参数 /// /// /// public string GetParaString(string key) { return atPara.GetValStrByKey(key); } /// /// 获取参数 /// /// /// /// public string GetParaString(string key, string isNullAsVal) { string str = atPara.GetValStrByKey(key); if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return isNullAsVal; return str; } /// /// 获取参数Init值 /// /// /// public int GetParaInt(string key, int isNullAsVal = 0) { return atPara.GetValIntByKey(key, isNullAsVal); } public float GetParaFloat(string key, float isNullAsVal = 0) { return atPara.GetValFloatByKey(key, isNullAsVal); } /// /// 获取参数boolen值 /// /// /// public bool GetParaBoolen(string key) { return atPara.GetValBoolenByKey(key); } /// /// 获取参数boolen值 /// /// /// /// public bool GetParaBoolen(string key, bool IsNullAsVal) { return atPara.GetValBoolenByKey(key, IsNullAsVal); } /// /// 设置参数 /// /// /// public void SetPara(string key, string obj) { if (atPara != null) this.Row.Remove("_ATObj_"); string atParaStr = this.GetValStringByKey("AtPara"); if (atParaStr.Contains("@" + key + "=") == false) { atParaStr += "@" + key + "=" + obj; this.SetValByKey("AtPara", atParaStr); } else { AtPara at = new AtPara(atParaStr); at.SetVal(key, obj); this.SetValByKey("AtPara", at.GenerAtParaStrs()); } } public void SetPara(string key, int obj) { SetPara(key, obj.ToString()); } public void SetPara(string key, float obj) { SetPara(key, obj.ToString()); } public void SetPara(string key, bool obj) { if (obj == false) SetPara(key, "0"); else SetPara(key, "1"); } #endregion #region 通用方法 /// /// 获取实体 /// /// public object GetRefObject(string key) { return this.Row["_" + key]; } /// /// 设置实体 /// /// /// public void SetRefObject(string key, object obj) { //if (obj == null) //return; if (this.Row.ContainsKey("_" + key) == false) { this.Row.Add("_" + key, obj); return; } if (obj == null) { this.Row["_" + key] = obj; return; } if (obj.GetType() == typeof(TypeCode)) this.Row["_" + key] = (int)obj; else this.Row["_" + key] = obj; //this.Row.SetValByKey("_" + key, obj); } #endregion #region insert /// /// 在插入之前要做的工作。 /// /// protected virtual bool beforeInsert() { return true; } /// /// Insert . /// public virtual int Insert() { if (this.beforeInsert() == false) return 0; if (this.beforeUpdateInsertAction() == false) return 0; int i = 0; try { if (this.PKVal != null && this.PKVal.Equals("0") == true) this.PKVal = DBAccess.GenerOID(this.ClassID); // 判断是否有参数字段. if (this.EnMap.ParaFields != null) { string[] strs = this.EnMap.ParaFields.Split(','); foreach (string key in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(key) == true) continue; if (this.Row.ContainsKey(key) == false) continue; this.SetPara(key, this.Row[key].ToString()); } } i = this.DirectInsert(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.CheckPhysicsTable(); //执行字段扩充检查. bool isCheck = CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength(ex); if (isCheck == true) return this.Insert(); throw ex; } // 开始更新内存数据 if (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity == Depositary.Application) Cash2019.PutRow(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString(), this.Row); this.afterInsert(); this.afterInsertUpdateAction(); return i; } protected virtual void afterInsert() { //added by liuxc,2016-02-19,新建时,新增一个版本记录 if (this.EnMap.IsEnableVer) { EnVer.NewVer(this); } return; } /// /// 在更新与插入之后要做的工作. /// protected virtual void afterInsertUpdateAction() { if (this.EnMap.HisFKEnumAttrs.Count > 0) this.RetrieveFromDBSources(); if (this.EnMap.IsAddRefName) { this.ReSetNameAttrVal(); this.DirectUpdate(); } return; } /// /// 从一个副本上copy. /// 用于两个数性基本相近的 实体 copy. /// /// public virtual void Copy(Entity fromEn) { foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { #warning zhoupeng 打开如下注释代码?没有考虑到为什么要改变PK. //if (attr.IsPK) // continue; //不能在打开,如果打开,就会与其他的约定出错,copy就是全部的属性,然后自己。 object obj = fromEn.GetValByKey(attr.Key); if (obj == null) continue; this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, obj); } } /// /// 复制 Hashtable /// /// public virtual void Copy(System.Collections.Hashtable ht) { foreach (string k in ht.Keys) { object obj = null; try { obj = ht[k]; } catch { continue; } if (obj == null || obj.ToString() == "") continue; this.SetValByKey(k, obj); } } public virtual void Copy(DataRow dr) { foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { try { this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, dr[attr.Key]); } catch { } } } public void Copy() { foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.IsPK == false) continue; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, 0); else this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, ""); } try { this.SetValByKey("No", ""); } catch { } } #endregion #region verify /// /// 校验数据 /// /// public bool verifyData() { //如果启用验证就执行验证. if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.GetValByKeyBoolen("IsEnableVerifyData", false) == false) return true; string str = ""; Attrs attrs = this.EnMap.Attrs; string s; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppString && attr.MinLength > 0) { if (attr.UIIsReadonly) continue; s = this.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key); // 处理特殊字符. s = s.Replace("'", "~"); s = s.Replace("\"", "”"); s = s.Replace(">", "》"); s = s.Replace("<", "《"); this.SetValByKey(attr.Key, s); if (s.Length < attr.MinLength || s.Length > attr.MaxLength) { if (attr.Key == "No" && attr.UIIsReadonly) { if (this.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key).Trim().Length == 0 || this.GetValStringByKey(attr.Key) == "自动生成") this.SetValByKey("No", this.GenerNewNoByKey("No")); } else { str += "@[" + attr.Key + "," + attr.Desc + "]输入错误,请输入 " + attr.MinLength + " ~ " + attr.MaxLength + " 个字符范围,当前为空。"; } } } } if (str == "") return true; if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.IsDebug) throw new Exception("@在保存[" + this.EnDesc + "],主键[" + this.PK + "=" + this.PKVal + "]时出现信息录入不整错误:" + str); else throw new Exception("@在保存[" + this.EnDesc + "][" + this.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(this.PK).Desc + "=" + this.PKVal + "]时错误:" + str); } #endregion #region 更新,插入之前的工作。 protected virtual bool beforeUpdateInsertAction() { switch (this.EnMap.EnType) { case EnType.View: case EnType.XML: case EnType.Ext: return false; default: break; } this.verifyData(); return true; } #endregion 更新,插入之前的工作。 #region 更新操作 public virtual int Update() { return this.Update(null); } /// /// 仅仅更新一个属性 /// /// key1 /// val1 /// 更新的个数 public int Update(string key1, object val1) { this.SetValByKey(key1, val1); string sql = ""; if (val1.GetType() == typeof(int) || val1.GetType() == typeof(float) || val1.GetType() == typeof(Int64) || val1.GetType() == typeof(decimal)) sql = "UPDATE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " SET " + key1 + " =" + val1 + " WHERE " + this.PK + "='" + this.PKVal + "'"; if (val1.GetType() == typeof(string)) sql = "UPDATE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " SET " + key1 + " ='" + val1 + "' WHERE " + this.PK + "='" + this.PKVal + "'"; return this.RunSQL(sql); } public int Update(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2) { this.SetValByKey(key1, val1); this.SetValByKey(key2, val2); key1 = key1 + "," + key2; return this.Update(key1.Split(',')); } public int Update(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2, string key3, object val3) { this.SetValByKey(key1, val1); this.SetValByKey(key2, val2); this.SetValByKey(key3, val3); key1 = key1 + "," + key2 + "," + key3; return this.Update(key1.Split(',')); } public int Update(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2, string key3, object val3, string key4, object val4) { this.SetValByKey(key1, val1); this.SetValByKey(key2, val2); this.SetValByKey(key3, val3); this.SetValByKey(key4, val4); key1 = key1 + "," + key2 + "," + key3 + "," + key4; return this.Update(key1.Split(',')); } public int Update(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2, string key3, object val3, string key4, object val4, string key5, object val5) { this.SetValByKey(key1, val1); this.SetValByKey(key2, val2); this.SetValByKey(key3, val3); this.SetValByKey(key4, val4); this.SetValByKey(key5, val5); key1 = key1 + "," + key2 + "," + key3 + "," + key4 + "," + key5; return this.Update(key1.Split(',')); } public int Update(string key1, object val1, string key2, object val2, string key3, object val3, string key4, object val4, string key5, object val5, string key6, object val6) { this.SetValByKey(key1, val1); this.SetValByKey(key2, val2); this.SetValByKey(key3, val3); this.SetValByKey(key4, val4); this.SetValByKey(key5, val5); this.SetValByKey(key6, val6); key1 = key1 + "," + key2 + "," + key3 + "," + key4 + "," + key5 + "," + key6; return this.Update(key1.Split(',')); } protected virtual bool beforeUpdate() { return true; } /// /// 更新实体 /// public int Update(string[] keys) { string str = ""; try { str = "@更新之前出现错误 "; if (this.beforeUpdate() == false) return 0; str = "@更新插入之前出现错误"; if (this.beforeUpdateInsertAction() == false) return 0; //@hongyan. 判断是否有参数字段. if (this.EnMap.ParaFields != null) { string[] strs = this.EnMap.ParaFields.Split(','); foreach (string key in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(key) == true) continue; if (this.Row.ContainsKey(key) == false) throw new Exception("err@类[" + this.ToString() + "]参数字段[" + key + "]的值不存在,您在ParaFields配置的参数字段列表,它们不在attrs集合里面."); var val = this.Row[key].ToString(); // as string; this.SetPara(key, val); } } str = "@更新时出现错误"; int i = EntityDBAccess.Update(this, keys); str = "@更新之后出现错误"; // 开始更新内存数据。 switch (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity) { case Depositary.Application: //this.DeleteFromCash(); CashEntity.Update(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString(), this); break; case Depositary.None: break; } //更新缓存. @wangyanyan if (this.EnMap.DepositaryOfEntity == Depositary.Application) { Cash2019.UpdateRow(this.ToString(), this.PKVal.ToString(), this.Row); } this.afterUpdate(); str = "@更新插入之后出现错误"; this.afterInsertUpdateAction(); return i; } catch (System.Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; if (msg.Contains("列名") || msg.Contains("将截断字符串") || msg.Contains("缺少") || msg.Contains("的值太大") || msg.Contains("too long") == true) { /*说明字符串长度有问题.*/ this.CheckPhysicsTable(); //执行字段扩充检查. bool isCheck = CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength(ex); if (isCheck == true) return this.Update(); } BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError(ex.Message); if (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.IsDebug) throw new Exception("@[" + this.EnDesc + "]更新期间出现错误:" + str + ex.Message); else throw ex; } } protected virtual void afterUpdate() { if (this.EnMap.IsEnableVer) { EnVer.NewVer(this); return; } return; } #region 对文件的处理. public void SaveBigTxtToDB(string saveToField, string bigTxt) { DBAccess.SaveBigTextToDB(bigTxt, this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, this.PK, this.PKVal.ToString(), saveToField); } /// /// 保存文件到数据库 /// /// 要保存的字段 /// 文件路径 public void SaveFileToDB(string saveToField, string fileFullName) { try { DBAccess.SaveFileToDB(fileFullName, this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, this.PK, this.PKVal.ToString(), saveToField); } catch (Exception ex) { /* 为了防止任何可能出现的数据丢失问题,您应该先仔细检查此脚本,然后再在数据库设计器的上下文之外运行此脚本。*/ if (DBAccess.IsExitsTableCol(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, saveToField) == false) { string sql = ""; if (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType == DBType.MSSQL) sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + saveToField + " Image NULL "; if (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType == DBType.Oracle) sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + saveToField + " Blob NULL "; if (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType == DBType.KingBaseR3 || DBAccess.AppCenterDBType == DBType.KingBaseR6) sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + saveToField + " Blob NULL "; if (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType == DBType.MySQL) sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + saveToField + " MediumBlob NULL "; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } throw new Exception("@保存文件期间出现错误,有可能该字段没有被自动创建,现在已经执行创建修复数据表,请重新执行一次." + ex.Message); } } /// /// 从表的字段里读取文件 /// /// 字段 /// 文件路径,如果为空怎不保存直接返回文件流,如果不为空则创建文件。 /// 返回文件流 public byte[] GetFileFromDB(string saveToField, string filefullName) { return DBAccess.GetByteFromDB(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, this.PK, this.PKVal.ToString(), saveToField); } /// /// 从表的字段里读取string /// /// 字段名 /// 大文本数据 public string GetBigTextFromDB(string imgFieldName) { return DBAccess.GetBigTextFromDB(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, this.PK, this.PKVal.ToString(), imgFieldName); } #endregion 对文件的处理. /// /// 执行保存 /// /// public virtual int Save() { switch (this.PK) { case "OID": if (this.GetValIntByKey("OID") == 0) { //this.SetValByKey("OID",EnDA.GenerOID()); this.Insert(); return 1; } else { this.Update(); return 1; } break; case "MyPK": case "No": case "ID": //自动生成的MYPK,插入前获取主键 this.beforeUpdateInsertAction(); string pk = this.GetValStrByKey(this.PK); if (pk == "" || pk == null) { this.Insert(); return 1; } else { int i = this.Update(); if (i == 0) { this.Insert(); i = 1; } return i; } break; default: if (this.Update() == 0) this.Insert(); return 1; break; } } #endregion #region 关于数据库的处理 /// /// 创建物理表 /// protected void CreatePhysicsTable() { if (this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType == DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN) { string sql = ""; switch (DBAccess.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: case DBType.DM: sql = SqlBuilder.GenerCreateTableSQLOfOra(this); break; case DBType.Informix: sql = SqlBuilder.GenerCreateTableSQLOfInfoMix(this); break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: sql = SqlBuilder.GenerCreateTableSQLOfPostgreSQL(this); break; case DBType.MSSQL: sql = SqlBuilder.GenerCreateTableSQLOfMS(this); break; case DBType.MySQL: sql = SqlBuilder.GenerCreateTableSQLOfMySQL(this); break; case DBType.Access: sql = SqlBuilder.GenerCreateTableSQLOf_OLE(this); break; default: throw new Exception("@未判断的数据库类型。"); } this.RunSQL(sql); this.CreateIndexAndPK(); return; } } private void CreateIndexAndPK() { #region 建立主键 if (DBAccess.IsExitsTabPK(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable) == false) { int pkconut = this.PKCount; if (pkconut == 1) { DBAccess.CreatePK(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField, this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField); } else if (pkconut == 2) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; DBAccess.CreatePK(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1); } else if (pkconut == 3) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; string pk2 = this.PKs[2]; DBAccess.CreatePK(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2, this.EnMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2); } } #endregion } /// /// 如果一个属性是外键,并且它还有一个字段存储它的名称。 /// 设置这个外键名称的属性。 /// protected void ReSetNameAttrVal() { Attrs attrs = this.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsFKorEnum == false) continue; string s = this.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key); this.SetValByKey(attr.Key + "Name", s); } } private void CheckPhysicsTable_SQL() { string table = this._enMap.PhysicsTable; DBType dbtype = this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType; string sqlFields = ""; string sqlYueShu = ""; DataTable dtAttr = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(DBAccess.SQLOfTableFieldDesc(table)); DataTable dtYueShu = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(DBAccess.SQLOfTableFieldYueShu(table)); #region 修复表字段。 Attrs attrs = this._enMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsRefAttr || attr.IsPK) continue; string FType = ""; string Flen = ""; #region 判断是否存在. bool isHave = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dtAttr.Rows) { if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower().Equals(attr.Field.ToLower())) { isHave = true; FType = dr["FType"] as string; Flen = dr["FLen"].ToString(); break; } } if (isHave == false) { /*不存在此列 , 就增加此列。*/ switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: int len = attr.MaxLength; if (len == 0) len = 200; //throw new Exception("属性的最小长度不能为0。"); if (len > 4000) { if (dbtype == DBType.Access && len >= 254) { DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " Memo DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } else { DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " NVARCHAR(MAX) DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } } else { if (dbtype == DBType.Access && len >= 254) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " Memo DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " NVARCHAR(" + len + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } continue; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if(attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal)==true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); continue; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); continue; default: throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " key=" + attr.Key); } } #endregion #region 检查类型是否匹配. switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (FType.ToLower().Contains("char")) { /*类型正确,检查长度*/ if (attr.IsPK) continue; if (Flen == null) throw new Exception("" + attr.Key + " -" + sqlFields); int len = int.Parse(Flen); if (len == -1) continue; /*有可能是 nvarchar(MAX) */ if (len < attr.MaxLength) { try { DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " VARCHAR(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } catch { /*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) { if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower().Equals(attr.Key.ToLower())) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); } // 在执行一遍. if (attr.MaxLength >= 4000) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " VARCHAR(4000)"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " VARCHAR(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } } } else { string err = "err@字段类型不匹配,表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]字段[" + attr.Key + "]名称[" + attr.Desc + "]映射类型为[" + attr.MyDataTypeStr + "],数据类型为[" + FType + "]"; BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteInfo(err); // throw new Exception(); ///*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " drop column " + attr.Field); //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " NVARCHAR(" + attr.MaxLength + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); continue; } break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if (FType.Contains("int") == false) { string err = "err@字段类型不匹配,表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]字段[" + attr.Key + "]名称[" + attr.Desc + "]映射类型为[" + attr.MyDataTypeStr + "],数据类型为[" + FType + "]"; BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteInfo(err); ///*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("alter table " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " drop column " + attr.Field); //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); //continue; } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case 9: if (FType.Contains("float") == false) { string err = "err@字段类型不匹配,表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]字段[" + attr.Key + "]名称[" + attr.Desc + "]映射类型为[" + attr.MyDataTypeStr + "],数据类型为[" + FType + "]"; BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteInfo(err); ///*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("alter table " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " drop column " + attr.Field); //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); //continue; } break; default: // throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " key=" + attr.Key); break; } #endregion } #endregion 修复表字段。 #region 检查枚举类型是否存在. attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; if (attr.UITag == null) continue; try { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); continue; } catch { } try { string[] strs = attr.UITag.Split('@'); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(); ens.Delete(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, attr.UIBindKey); foreach (string s in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true) continue; string[] vk = s.Split('='); SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.IntKey = int.Parse(vk[0]); se.Lab = vk[1]; se.setEnumKey(attr.UIBindKey); se.Insert(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("@自动增加枚举时出现错误,请确定您的格式是否正确。" + ex.Message + "attr.UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey); } } #endregion #region 建立主键 if (DBAccess.IsExitsTabPK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable) == false) { int pkconut = this.PKCount; if (pkconut == 1) { DBAccess.CreatePK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField, this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField); } else if (pkconut == 2) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; DBAccess.CreatePK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1); } else if (pkconut == 3) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; string pk2 = this.PKs[2]; DBAccess.CreatePK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2, this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2); } } #endregion #region 重命名表名字段名. String ptable = this.EnMap.PhysicsTable; string sql = "exec sp_rename '" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "','" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "'"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); foreach (Attr item in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (item.IsRefAttr == true) continue; bool isHave = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dtAttr.Rows) { string fName = dr["FName"].ToString(); if (fName.Equals(item.Key) == true) { isHave = true; break; } } //如果字段有大小写的变化,就修正过来. if (isHave == false) { sql = "exec sp_rename '" + ptable + ".[" + item.Key + "]','" + item.Key + "','column';"; DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); } } #endregion 重命名表名字段名. } /// /// PostgreSQL 检查. /// private void CheckPhysicsTable_PostgreSQL() { string table = this._enMap.PhysicsTable; DBType dbtype = this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType; string sqlFields = ""; string sqlYueShu = ""; //字段信息: 名称fname, 类型ftype, 长度flen. sqlFields = "SELECT a.attname as fname, format_type(a.atttypid,a.atttypmod) as type, 0 as FLen, 'xxxxxxx' as FType,"; sqlFields += " a.attnotnull as notnull FROM pg_class as c,pg_attribute as a "; sqlFields += " where c.relname = '" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable.ToLower() + "' and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.attnum>0 "; //约束信息. //sqlYueShu = "SELECT, FName from sysobjects b join syscolumns a on = a.cdefault where = object_id('" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "') "; DataTable dtAttr = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sqlFields); foreach (DataRow dr in dtAttr.Rows) { string type = dr["type"].ToString(); if (type.Contains("char")) { dr["ftype"] = "char"; if (type.Contains("(") == false) { dr["flen"] = 0; continue; } int start = type.IndexOf('(') + 1; int end = type.IndexOf(')'); string len = type.Substring(start, end - start); dr["flen"] = int.Parse(len); // dr["flen"] = 1; // int.Parse(len); } else { dr["ftype"] = type; } } //DataTable dtYueShu = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sqlYueShu); #region 修复表字段。 Attrs attrs = this._enMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsRefAttr || attr.IsPK) continue; string FType = ""; string Flen = ""; #region 判断是否存在. bool isHave = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dtAttr.Rows) { if (dr["fname"].ToString().ToLower().Equals(attr.Field.ToLower())) { isHave = true; FType = dr["ftype"] as string; Flen = dr["flen"].ToString(); break; } } if (isHave == false) { /*不存在此列 , 就增加此列。*/ switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: int len = attr.MaxLength; if (len == 0) len = 200; //throw new Exception("属性的最小长度不能为0。"); if (len > 4000) { if (dbtype == DBType.Access && len >= 254) { DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " Memo DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } else { DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " VARCHAR(" + len + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } } else { if (dbtype == DBType.Access && len >= 254) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " Memo DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " VARCHAR(" + len + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } continue; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); continue; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); continue; default: throw new Exception("err@MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " key=" + attr.Key); } } #endregion #region 检查类型是否匹配. switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: if (FType.ToLower().Contains("char")) { /*类型正确,检查长度*/ if (attr.IsPK) continue; if (Flen == null) throw new Exception("" + attr.Key + " -" + sqlFields); int len = int.Parse(Flen); if (len == -1) continue; /*有可能是 nvarchar(MAX) */ if (len < attr.MaxLength) { try { DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " type character varying(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } catch { /*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " type character varying(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } } } else if (FType.ToLower().Contains("text")) { } else { string err = "err@字段类型不匹配,表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]字段[" + attr.Key + "]名称[" + attr.Desc + "]映射类型为[" + attr.MyDataTypeStr + "],数据类型为[" + FType + "]"; BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteInfo(err); // throw new Exception(); ///*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " drop column " + attr.Field); DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER COLUMN " + attr.Field + " type character varying(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER COLUMN " + attr.Field + " SET DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); continue; } break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if (FType.Contains("int") == false) { // string err = "err@字段类型不匹配,表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]字段[" + attr.Key + "]名称[" + attr.Desc + "]映射类型为[" + attr.MyDataTypeStr + "],数据类型为[" + FType + "]"; // Log.DebugWriteWarning(err); ///*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("alter table " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " drop column " + attr.Field); //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); //continue; } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case 9: if (FType != "float") { // string err = "err@字段类型不匹配,表[" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "]字段[" + attr.Key + "]名称[" + attr.Desc + "]映射类型为[" + attr.MyDataTypeStr + "],数据类型为[" + FType + "]"; // Log.DebugWriteWarning(err); ///*如果类型不匹配,就删除它在重新建, 先删除约束,在删除列,在重建。*/ //foreach (DataRow dr in dtYueShu.Rows) //{ // if (dr["FName"].ToString().ToLower() == attr.Key.ToLower()) // DBAccess.RunSQL("alter table " + table + " drop constraint " + dr[0].ToString()); //} //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " drop column " + attr.Field); //DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); //continue; } break; default: // throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " key=" + attr.Key); break; } #endregion } #endregion 修复表字段。 #region 检查枚举类型是否存在. attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; if (attr.UITag == null) continue; try { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); continue; } catch { } try { string[] strs = attr.UITag.Split('@'); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(); ens.Delete(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, attr.UIBindKey); foreach (string s in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true) continue; string[] vk = s.Split('='); SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.IntKey = int.Parse(vk[0]); se.Lab = vk[1]; se.setEnumKey(attr.UIBindKey); se.Insert(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("@自动增加枚举时出现错误,请确定您的格式是否正确。" + ex.Message + "attr.UIBindKey=" + attr.UIBindKey); } } #endregion #region 建立主键 if (DBAccess.IsExitsTabPK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable) == false) { int pkconut = this.PKCount; if (pkconut == 1) { DBAccess.CreatePK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField, this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField); } else if (pkconut == 2) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; DBAccess.CreatePK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1); } else if (pkconut == 3) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; string pk2 = this.PKs[2]; DBAccess.CreatePK(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2, this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType); DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2); } } #endregion #region 创建索引. if (this._enMap.IndexField != null) { DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, this._enMap.IndexField); } int pkconut22 = this.PKCount; if (pkconut22 == 1) { DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, this.PKField); } else if (pkconut22 == 2) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1); } else if (pkconut22 == 3) { string pk0 = this.PKs[0]; string pk1 = this.PKs[1]; string pk2 = this.PKs[2]; DBAccess.CreatIndex(this._enMap.PhysicsTable, pk0, pk1, pk2); } #endregion } /// /// 自动扩展长度 /// public bool CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength(Exception ex) { this._enMap = this.EnMap; // string msg = ""; if (this._enMap.EnType == EnType.View || this._enMap.EnType == EnType.XML || this._enMap.EnType == EnType.ThirdPartApp || this._enMap.EnType == EnType.Ext) return false; string sql = ""; switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: return CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength_SQL(); case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.DM: case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: break; case DBType.MySQL: // sql = "select character_maximum_length as Len, table_schema as OWNER FROM information_schema.columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBDatabase + "' AND table_name ='" + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + "' and column_Name='" + attr.Field + "' AND character_maximum_length < " + attr.MaxLength; //return CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength_MySQL(sql); break; case DBType.Informix: break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: break; default: throw new Exception("@没有涉及到的数据库类型"); } return false; } private bool CheckPhysicsTableAutoExtFieldLength_SQL() { string sqlFields = "SELECT column_name as FName,data_type as FType,CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH as FLen from information_schema.columns where table_name='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "'"; //sqlYueShu = "SELECT, FName from sysobjects b join syscolumns a on = a.cdefault where = object_id('" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + "') "; //原始的 DataTable dtAttr = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sqlFields); //是否有? 没有check就返回. bool isCheckIt = false; //遍历属性. Attrs attrs = this._enMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppString) continue; int dbLen = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dtAttr.Rows) { if (dr["FName"].ToString().Equals(attr.Key) == true) { if (DataType.IsNumStr(dr["FLen"].ToString())) dbLen = int.Parse(dr["FLen"].ToString()); else dbLen = -1; break; } } //如果是负数,就是maxvarchar 的类型. if (dbLen <= 0) continue; //获得长度. string val = this.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key); if (val.Length <= dbLen) continue; //字段长度. string sql = ""; if (val.Length >= 4000) sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " nvarchar(MAX)"; else sql = "ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ALTER column " + attr.Key + " VARCHAR(" + val.Length + ")"; try { DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); isCheckIt = true; } catch (Exception ex) { var valNum = DBAccess.DropConstraintOfSQL(this.EnMap.PhysicsTable, attr.Key); if (valNum > 0) { DBAccess.RunSQL(sql); isCheckIt = true; //设置是否更新到. } //throw new Exception("err@类["+this.ToString()+"],表["+this.EnMap.PhysicsTable+"],自动扩展字段:(" + attr.Key + ")的长度,修复SQL("+sql+")字段长度("+val.Length+")字段值:(" + val + ")"); } } //返回是否检测到。 return isCheckIt; } /// /// 检查物理表 /// public void CheckPhysicsTable() { this._enMap = this.EnMap; // string msg = ""; if (this._enMap.EnType == EnType.View || this._enMap.EnType == EnType.XML || this._enMap.EnType == EnType.ThirdPartApp || this._enMap.EnType == EnType.Ext) return; if (DBAccess.IsExitsObject(this._enMap.EnDBUrl, this._enMap.PhysicsTable) == false) { /* 如果物理表不存在就新建立一个物理表。*/ this.CreatePhysicsTable(); return; } if (this._enMap.IsView) return; //检查是否有对应的主键. string pk = this.PK; if (pk.Contains(",") == false) { if (this.EnMap.Attrs.Contains(pk) == false) { if (this.ToString().Contains(".") == true) throw new Exception("err@Entity " + this.ToString() + "," + this.EnMap.EnDesc + "的Map设置错误主键为【" + pk + "】但是没有这个字段,请检查Map。"); else throw new Exception("err@Entity " + this.ToString() + "," + this.EnMap.EnDesc + "的Map设置错误主键为【" + pk + "】但是没有这个字段,请检查: SELECT * FROM Sys_MapAttr WHERE FK_MapData='" + this.ToString() + "'"); } } DBType dbtype = this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBType; // 如果不是主应用程序的数据库就不让执行检查. 考虑第三方的系统的安全问题. if (this._enMap.EnDBUrl.DBUrlType != DBUrlType.AppCenterDSN) return; switch (BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBType) { case DBType.MSSQL: this.CheckPhysicsTable_SQL(); break; case DBType.Oracle: case DBType.DM: this.CheckPhysicsTable_Ora(); break; case DBType.MySQL: this.CheckPhysicsTable_MySQL(); break; case DBType.Informix: this.CheckPhysicsTable_Informix(); break; case DBType.PostgreSQL: case DBType.UX: this.CheckPhysicsTable_PostgreSQL(); break; case DBType.KingBaseR3: case DBType.KingBaseR6: this.CheckPhysicsTable_KingBase(); break; default: throw new Exception("@没有涉及到的数据库类型"); } } private void CheckPhysicsTable_Informix() { #region 检查字段是否存在 string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE 1=2"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); //如果不存在. foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.IsPK) continue; if (dt.Columns.Contains(attr.Key) == true) continue; if (attr.Key == "AID") { /* 自动增长列 */ DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT Identity(1,1)"); continue; } /*不存在此列 , 就增加此列。*/ switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: int len = attr.MaxLength; if (len == 0) len = 200; if (len >= 254) DBAccess.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " add " + attr.Field + " lvarchar(" + len + ") default '" + attr.DefaultVal + "'"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " add " + attr.Field + " varchar(" + len + ") default '" + attr.DefaultVal + "'"); break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT8 DEFAULT " + attr.DefaultVal + " "); break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT " + attr.DefaultVal + " "); break; default: throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " key=" + attr.Key); } } #endregion #region 检查字段长度是否符合最低要求 foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDouble || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppFloat || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppMoney || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) continue; int maxLen = attr.MaxLength; dt = new DataTable(); sql = "select c.* from syscolumns c inner join systables t on c.tabid = t.tabid where t.tabname = lower('" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable.ToLower() + "') and c.colname = lower('" + attr.Key.ToLower() + "') and c.collength < " + attr.MaxLength; dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) continue; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { try { if (attr.MaxLength >= 255) this.RunSQL("alter table " + dr["owner"] + "." + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " lvarchar(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); else this.RunSQL("alter table " + dr["owner"] + "." + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " varchar(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteInfo(ex.Message); } } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型字段是否是INT 类型 Attrs attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; #warning 没有处理好。 continue; sql = "SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToLower() + "' AND COLUMN_NAME='" + attr.Field.ToLower() + "'"; string val = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); if (val == null) BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@没有检测到字段:" + attr.Key); if (val.IndexOf("CHAR") != -1) { /*如果它是 varchar 字段*/ sql = "SELECT OWNER FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' "; string OWNER = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); try { this.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NUMBER "); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("运行sql 失败:alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NUMBER " + ex.Message); } } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型是否存在. attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; if (attr.UITag == null) continue; try { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); continue; } catch { } string[] strs = attr.UITag.Split('@'); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(); ens.Delete(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, attr.UIBindKey); foreach (string s in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true) continue; string[] vk = s.Split('='); SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.IntKey = int.Parse(vk[0]); se.Lab = vk[1]; se.setEnumKey(attr.UIBindKey); se.Insert(); } } #endregion this.CreateIndexAndPK(); } private void CheckPhysicsTable_MySQL() { #region 检查字段是否存在 string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE 1=2"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); //如果不存在. foreach (Attr attr in this._enMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.IsPK) continue; if (dt.Columns.Contains(attr.Key) == true) continue; //不存在此列. if (attr.Key == "AID") { /* 自动增长列 */ DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT Identity(1,1) COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); continue; } /*不存在此列 , 就增加此列。*/ switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: int len = attr.MaxLength; if (len == 0) len = 200; if (len > 3000) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " TEXT COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " NVARCHAR(" + len + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); break; case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " NVARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if(DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal.ToString()) ==true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); break; case DataType.AppFloat: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal.ToString()) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT (11,2) DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT (11,2) DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); break; case DataType.AppMoney: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal.ToString()) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " DECIMAL (20,4) DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " DECIMAL (20,4) DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); break; case DataType.AppDouble: if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.DefaultVal.ToString()) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " DOUBLE DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL COMMENT '" + attr.Desc + "'"); break; default: throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " key=" + attr.Key); } } #endregion #region 检查字段长度是否符合最低要求 foreach (Attr attr in this._enMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDouble || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppFloat || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppMoney || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) continue; int maxLen = attr.MaxLength; dt = new DataTable(); sql = "select character_maximum_length as Len, table_schema as OWNER FROM information_schema.columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBDatabase + "' AND table_name ='" + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + "' and column_Name='" + attr.Field + "' AND character_maximum_length < " + attr.MaxLength; dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) continue; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { try { if (attr.MaxLength < 3000) this.RunSQL("alter table " + dr["OWNER"] + "." + this._enMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NVARCHAR(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); else this.RunSQL("alter table " + dr["OWNER"] + "." + this._enMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " text"); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError(ex.Message); } } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型字段是否是INT 类型 Attrs attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; sql = "SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='" + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + "' AND COLUMN_NAME='" + attr.Field + "' and table_schema='" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBDatabase + "'"; string val = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); if (val == null) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@没有检测到字段eunm" + attr.Key); continue; } if (val.ToUpper().IndexOf("CHAR") != -1) { /*如果它是 varchar 字段*/ sql = "SELECT table_schema as OWNER FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='" + this._enMap.PhysicsTableExt + "' AND COLUMN_NAME='" + attr.Field + "' and table_schema='" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBDatabase + "'"; string OWNER = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); try { this.RunSQL("alter table " + this._enMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NUMBER "); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("运行sql 失败:alter table " + this._enMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NUMBER " + ex.Message); } } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型是否存在. attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; if (attr.UITag == null) continue; try { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); continue; } catch { } string[] strs = attr.UITag.Split('@'); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(); ens.Delete(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, attr.UIBindKey); foreach (string s in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true) continue; string[] vk = s.Split('='); SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.IntKey = int.Parse(vk[0]); se.Lab = vk[1]; se.setEnumKey(attr.UIBindKey); se.Insert(); } } #endregion this.CreateIndexAndPK(); } private void CheckPhysicsTable_KingBase() { #region 检查字段是否存在 //string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE 1=2 "; string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + this._enMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE 1=2"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) return; string fields = "," + dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() + ","; fields = fields.ToUpper(); //如果不存在. foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.IsPK) continue; if (fields.Contains("," + attr.Key.ToUpper() + ",") == true) continue; //if (fields.Contains(attr.Key.ToUpper() + ",") == true) // continue; //if (fields.Contains(","+attr.Key.ToUpper()) == true) // continue; if (attr.Key == "AID") { /* 自动增长列 */ DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT Identity(1,1)"); continue; } /*不存在此列 , 就增加此列。*/ switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: int len = attr.MaxLength; if (len == 0) len = 200; DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " VARCHAR(" + len + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.IsPK == true) { if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NOT NULL"); } else { if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); break; default: throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " Key=" + attr.Key); } } #endregion #region 检查字段长度是否符合最低要求 foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDouble || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppFloat || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppMoney || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) continue; int maxLen = attr.MaxLength; dt = new DataTable(); //update dgq 2016-5-24 不取所有用户的表列名,只要取自己的就可以了 sql = "SELECT DATA_LENGTH AS LEN FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' AND DATA_LENGTH < " + attr.MaxLength; dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) continue; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //this.RunSQL("alter table " + dr["OWNER"] + "." + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " varchar2(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); this.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " ALTER COLUMN " + attr.Field + " TYPE varchar2(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型字段是否是INT 类型 Attrs attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; sql = "SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' "; string val = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); if (val == null) BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@没有检测到字段eunm" + attr.Key); if (val.IndexOf("CHAR") != -1) { /*如果它是 varchar 字段*/ sql = "SELECT OWNER FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' "; string OWNER = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); try { this.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " ALTER COLUMN " + attr.Field + " TYPE NUMBER "); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("运行sql 失败:alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " ALTER COLUMN " + attr.Field + " NUMBER " + ex.Message); } } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型是否存在. attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; if (attr.UITag == null) continue; try { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); continue; } catch { } string[] strs = attr.UITag.Split('@'); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(); ens.Delete(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, attr.UIBindKey); foreach (string s in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true) continue; string[] vk = s.Split('='); SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.IntKey = int.Parse(vk[0]); se.Lab = vk[1]; se.setEnumKey(attr.UIBindKey); se.Insert(); } } #endregion this.CreateIndexAndPK(); } private void CheckPhysicsTable_Ora() { #region 检查字段是否存在 //string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " WHERE 1=2 "; string sql = "SELECT WMSYS.WM_CONCAT(DISTINCT(column_name)) AS Column_Name FROM all_tab_cols WHERE table_name = '" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable.ToUpper() + "' AND owner='" + BP.Difference.SystemConfig.AppCenterDBDatabase.ToUpper() + "'"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) return; string fields = "," + dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() + ","; fields = fields.ToUpper(); //如果不存在. foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.IsPK) continue; if (fields.Contains("," + attr.Key.ToUpper() + ",") == true) continue; //if (fields.Contains(attr.Key.ToUpper() + ",") == true) // continue; //if (fields.Contains(","+attr.Key.ToUpper()) == true) // continue; if (attr.Key == "AID") { /* 自动增长列 */ DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT Identity(1,1)"); continue; } /*不存在此列 , 就增加此列。*/ switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppString: case DataType.AppDate: case DataType.AppDateTime: int len = attr.MaxLength; if (len == 0) len = 200; DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " VARCHAR(" + len + ") DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); break; case DataType.AppInt: case DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.IsPK == true) { if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NOT NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NOT NULL"); } else { if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " INT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); } break; case DataType.AppFloat: case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppDouble: if (attr.DefaultVal.ToString().Equals(MapAttrAttr.DefaultVal) == true) DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT NULL NULL"); else DBAccess.RunSQL("ALTER TABLE " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTable + " ADD " + attr.Field + " FLOAT DEFAULT '" + attr.DefaultVal + "' NULL"); break; default: throw new Exception("error MyFieldType= " + attr.MyFieldType + " Key=" + attr.Key); } } #endregion #region 检查字段长度是否符合最低要求 foreach (Attr attr in this.EnMap.Attrs) { if (attr.MyFieldType == FieldType.RefText) continue; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppDouble || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppFloat || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppMoney || attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) continue; int maxLen = attr.MaxLength; dt = new DataTable(); //sql = "SELECT DATA_LENGTH AS LEN, OWNER FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() // + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' AND DATA_LENGTH < " + attr.MaxLength; //update dgq 2016-5-24 不取所有用户的表列名,只要取自己的就可以了 sql = "SELECT DATA_LENGTH AS LEN FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' AND DATA_LENGTH < " + attr.MaxLength; dt = this.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) continue; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //this.RunSQL("alter table " + dr["OWNER"] + "." + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " varchar2(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); this.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " varchar2(" + attr.MaxLength + ")"); } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型字段是否是INT 类型 Attrs attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; sql = "SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' "; string val = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); if (val == null) BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("@没有检测到字段eunm" + attr.Key); if (val.IndexOf("CHAR") != -1) { /*如果它是 varchar 字段*/ sql = "SELECT OWNER FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE upper(TABLE_NAME)='" + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt.ToUpper() + "' AND UPPER(COLUMN_NAME)='" + attr.Field.ToUpper() + "' "; string OWNER = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnString(sql); try { this.RunSQL("alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NUMBER "); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DebugWriteError("运行sql 失败:alter table " + this.EnMap.PhysicsTableExt + " modify " + attr.Field + " NUMBER " + ex.Message); } } } #endregion #region 检查枚举类型是否存在. attrs = this._enMap.HisEnumAttrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.MyDataType != DataType.AppInt) continue; if (attr.UITag == null) continue; try { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.UIBindKey, attr.UITag); continue; } catch { } string[] strs = attr.UITag.Split('@'); SysEnums ens = new SysEnums(); ens.Delete(SysEnumAttr.EnumKey, attr.UIBindKey); foreach (string s in strs) { if (DataType.IsNullOrEmpty(s) == true) continue; string[] vk = s.Split('='); SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.IntKey = int.Parse(vk[0]); se.Lab = vk[1]; se.setEnumKey(attr.UIBindKey); se.Insert(); } } #endregion this.CreateIndexAndPK(); } #endregion /// /// 把entity的实体属性调度到en里面去. /// public MapData DTSMapToSys_MapData(string fk_mapdata = null) { if (fk_mapdata == null) { //fk_mapdata = this.ClassIDOfShort; //为了适应配置vsto系统的需要,这里需要全称. fk_mapdata = this.ToString(); } Map map = this.EnMap; //获得短的类名称. #region 更新主表信息. MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = fk_mapdata; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) md.Insert(); md.EnPK = this.PK; //主键 md.EnsName = fk_mapdata; //类名. md.Name = map.EnDesc; md.PTable = map.PhysicsTable; md.Update(); #endregion 更新主表信息. //删除. MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(); attrs.Delete(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, fk_mapdata); //同步属性 mapattr. DTSMapToSys_MapData_InitMapAttr(map.Attrs, fk_mapdata); #region 同步从表. //同步从表. EnDtls dtls = map.Dtls; foreach (EnDtl dtl in dtls) { MapDtl mdtl = new MapDtl(); Entity enDtl = dtl.Ens.GetNewEntity; // edit by zhoupeng ,如果使用短编号,导致与设计表重复,就会把他冲掉. // mdtl.No = enDtl.ClassIDOfShort; mdtl.No = enDtl.ClassID; if (mdtl.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) mdtl.Insert(); mdtl.Name = enDtl.EnDesc; mdtl.setFK_MapData(fk_mapdata); mdtl.PTable = enDtl.EnMap.PhysicsTable; mdtl.RefPK = dtl.RefKey; //关联的主键. mdtl.Update(); //同步字段. DTSMapToSys_MapData_InitMapAttr(enDtl.EnMap.Attrs, mdtl.No); } #endregion 同步从表. return md; } /// /// 同步字段属性 /// /// /// private void DTSMapToSys_MapData_InitMapAttr(Attrs attrs, string fk_mapdata) { foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsRefAttr) continue; MapAttr mattr = new MapAttr(); mattr.setKeyOfEn(attr.Key); mattr.setFK_MapData(fk_mapdata); mattr.setMyPK(mattr.FK_MapData + "_" + mattr.KeyOfEn); mattr.RetrieveFromDBSources(); mattr.setName(attr.Desc); mattr.setDefVal(attr.DefaultVal.ToString()); mattr.setKeyOfEn(attr.Field); mattr.setMaxLen(attr.MaxLength); mattr.setMinLen(attr.MinLength); mattr.UIBindKey = attr.UIBindKey; mattr.setUIIsLine(attr.UIIsLine); mattr.setUIHeight(0); if (attr.MaxLength > 3000) mattr.setUIHeight(10); mattr.UIWidth = attr.UIWidth; mattr.setMyDataType(attr.MyDataType); mattr.UIRefKey = attr.UIRefKeyValue; mattr.UIRefKeyText = attr.UIRefKeyText; mattr.setUIVisible(attr.UIVisible); if (attr.IsSupperText == 1) mattr.TextModel = 3; //设置显示与隐藏,按照默认值. if (mattr.GetParaString("SearchVisable") == "") { if (mattr.UIVisible == true) mattr.SetPara("SearchVisable", 1); else mattr.SetPara("SearchVisable", 0); } switch (attr.MyFieldType) { case FieldType.Enum: case FieldType.PKEnum: mattr.setUIContralType(attr.UIContralType); mattr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.Enum); mattr.setUIIsEnable(attr.UIIsReadonly); break; case FieldType.FK: case FieldType.PKFK: mattr.setUIContralType(attr.UIContralType); mattr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.FK); //attr.MyDataType = (int)FieldType.FK; mattr.UIRefKey = "No"; mattr.UIRefKeyText = "Name"; mattr.setUIIsEnable(attr.UIIsReadonly); break; default: mattr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.TB); mattr.setLGType(FieldTypeS.Normal); mattr.setUIIsEnable(!attr.UIIsReadonly); switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppBoolean: mattr.setUIContralType(UIContralType.CheckBok); mattr.setUIIsEnable(attr.UIIsReadonly); break; case DataType.AppDate: //if (this.Tag == "1") // attr.DefaultVal = DataType.CurrentDate; break; case DataType.AppDateTime: //if (this.Tag == "1") // attr.DefaultVal = DataType.CurrentDate; break; default: break; } break; } if (mattr.Update() == 0) mattr.Insert(); } } } }