"use strict"; /* Copyright [2014] [Diagramo] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * A simple way of setting the style for a context * * @this {Style} * @constructor * @author Zack Newsham * @author Alex Gheorghiu */ function Style(){ /**Font used*/ this.font = null; /**Stroke/pen style. Can be specified as '#FF3010' or 'rgb(200, 0, 0)'*/ this.strokeStyle = null; /**Fill style. Can be specified as '#FF3010' or 'rgb(200, 0, 0)'*/ this.fillStyle = null; /**Alpha/transparency value*/ this.globalAlpha = null; /**Composite value*/ this.globalCompositeOperation = null; /**Line width. *@type {Integer} **/ this.lineWidth = null; /** *Line cap style * *HTML5 Canvas: *The (Canvas's) lineCap property determines how the end points of every line are drawn. *There are three possible values for this property and those are: butt, round and square. *By default this property is set to butt. *@see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Applying_styles_and_colors#A_lineCap_example **/ this.lineCap = this.STYLE_LINE_CAP_BUTT; /** *Line join style * *HTML5 Canvas: *The (Canvas's) lineJoin property determines how two connecting lines in a shape are joined together. *There are three possible values for this property: round, bevel and miter. *By default this property is set to miter. *@see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_tutorial/Applying_styles_and_colors#A_lineJoin_example **/ this.lineJoin = this.STYLE_LINE_JOIN_MITER; /**Shadow offset x. Not used yet*/ this.shadowOffsetX = null; /**Shadow offset y. Not used yet*/ this.shadowOffsetY = null; /**Shadow blur. Not used yet*/ this.shadowBlur = null; /**Shadow color. Not used yet*/ this.shadowColor = null; /**An {Array} of colors used in gradients*/ this.colorStops = []; /**An {Array} in form of [x0, y0, x1, y1] with figure bounds used in gradients*/ this.gradientBounds = []; /**Dash length used for dashed styles * @deprecated Trying to use setLineDash and lineDashOffset * */ this.dashLength = 0; /** * Describe the dash style. It contains a whole policy of dash styles. * As this is a composite property made by * setDashLine (@see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D#setLineDash%28%29) * and dashLineOffset (@see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dn265060%28v=vs.85%29.aspx) * I think it would be nice to group a dash style under * a single name (like: continuous, dotted or dashed) * */ this.lineStyle = null; //set to null so it can be inherited from parents /**Image used*/ this.image = null; /**Serialization type*/ this.oType = "Style"; } Style.LINE_STYLE_CONTINOUS = 'continuous'; Style.LINE_STYLE_DOTTED = 'dotted'; Style.LINE_STYLE_DASHED = 'dashed'; /**Contains all lines styles*/ Style.LINE_STYLES = { 'continuous' : {'lineDash' : [], 'lineDashOffset': 0, 'lineCap' : 'round'}, 'dotted' : {'lineDash' : [1,2], 'lineDashOffset': 0, 'lineCap' : 'round'}, 'dashed' : {'lineDash' : [4,4], 'lineDashOffset': 0, 'lineCap' : 'round'} }; /**Loads a style from a JSONObject **/ Style.load = function(o){ var newStyle = new Style(); newStyle.strokeStyle = o.strokeStyle; newStyle.fillStyle = o.fillStyle; newStyle.globalAlpha = o.globalAlpha; newStyle.globalCompositeOperation = o.globalCompositeOperation; newStyle.lineWidth = o.lineWidth; newStyle.lineCap = o.lineCap; newStyle.lineJoin = o.lineJoin; newStyle.shadowOffsetX = o.shadowOffsetX; newStyle.shadowOffsetY = o.shadowOffsetY; newStyle.shadowBlur = o.shadowBlur; newStyle.shadowColor = o.shadowColor; newStyle.gradientBounds = o.gradientBounds; newStyle.colorStops = o.colorStops; newStyle.dashLength = o.dashLength; newStyle.lineStyle = o.lineStyle; newStyle.image = o.image; return newStyle; }; Style.prototype={ /**Round join*/ STYLE_LINE_JOIN_ROUND: 'round', /**Bevel join*/ STYLE_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL: 'bevel', /**Mitter join*/ STYLE_LINE_JOIN_MITER: 'miter', /**Butt cap*/ STYLE_LINE_CAP_BUTT: 'butt', /**Round cap*/ STYLE_LINE_CAP_ROUND: 'round', /**Square cap*/ STYLE_LINE_CAP_SQUARE: 'square', constructor : Style, /**Setup the style of a context *@param {Context} context - the canvas context **/ setupContext:function(context){ for(var propertyName in this){ if(this[propertyName] != null && propertyName != undefined && propertyName !== "gradientBounds" && propertyName !== "colorStops" && propertyName !== "image" //iPad's Safari is very picky about this and for a reason (see #118) && propertyName !== "constructor" ) { try{ context[propertyName] = this[propertyName]; } catch(error){ alert("Style:setupContext() Error trying to setup context's property: [" + propertyName + '] details = [' + error + "]\n"); } }//end if }//end for if(DIAGRAMO.gradientFill && this.gradientBounds.length !=0 && this.fillStyle != null && this.image == null){ // generate gradient colors here, because fill color is changing in many places this.generateGradientColors(); // create linear gradient for current bounds var lin = context.createLinearGradient(this.gradientBounds[0], this.gradientBounds[1], this.gradientBounds[2], this.gradientBounds[3]); // set gradient colors: currently 2 - for start and end points for(var i=0; i 0 ){ // context.lineDashOffset = this.lineDashOffset; // } if(this.image != null && Browser.msie){ var ptrn = context.createPattern(this.image,'no-repeat'); //context.fillStyle=ptrn; //this.fillStyle=ptrn; } }, clone: function(){ var anotherStyle = new Style(); for(var propertyName in anotherStyle){ if(propertyName != "colorStops" && propertyName != "gradientBounds"){ anotherStyle[propertyName] = this[propertyName]; } else{ // colorStops and gradientBounds are arrays - we use slice anotherStyle[propertyName] = this[propertyName].slice(); } } return anotherStyle; }, /**Try not to save the properties that are null *The deleted property will be recreated and set to null while .load() method anyway *@author Alex **/ toJSON : function(){ var aClone = this.clone(); for(var propertyName in aClone){ if(aClone[propertyName] == null){ delete aClone[propertyName]; } } return aClone; }, /** * Generates colors for upper and lower bounds of figure gradient based on fill style. * Algorithm: * 1) Split source rgb to {r,g,b} * 2) Generate hsl value from {r,g,b} * 3) Generate 2 hsl colors: add and subtract saturation step from result of step 2. * 4) Convert bound colors to css-applicable strings * * @author Arty */ generateGradientColors: function() { // split rgb string to {r,g,b} var rgbObj = Util.hexToRgb(this.fillStyle); // generate hsl value from {r,g,b} var sourceHsl = Util.rgbToHsl(rgbObj.r, rgbObj.g, rgbObj.b); // take hsl color for upper bound: add saturation step to source color var upperHsl = sourceHsl.slice(); upperHsl[2] = upperHsl[2] + gradientLightStep; // if hsl saturation bigger than 1 - set it to 1 upperHsl[2] = upperHsl[2] > 1 ? 1 : upperHsl[2]; // take hsl color for lower bound: subtract saturation step from source color var lowerHsl = sourceHsl.slice(); lowerHsl[2] = lowerHsl[2] - gradientLightStep; // if hsl saturation less than 0 - set it to 0 lowerHsl[2] = lowerHsl[2] < 0 ? 0 : lowerHsl[2]; // Convert bound colors to css-applicable strings upperHsl = Util.hslToString(upperHsl); lowerHsl = Util.hslToString(lowerHsl); // set calculated values as colorStops of Style this.colorStops = [upperHsl, lowerHsl]; }, /** * Get current gradient * @return {String} gradient in form #color/#color * */ getGradient:function(){ return this.colorStops[0]+"/"+this.colorStops[1]; }, /** * Sets gradient for figure * @param {String} value the value of gradient set in in #color/#color form * */ setGradient:function(figure, value){ this.colorStops[0] = value.split("/")[0]; this.colorStops[1] = value.split("/")[1]; }, /**Merge current style with another style. *If current style is missing some of other's feature it will be "enhanced" with them *@param {Style} anotherStyle - the other style *@author Zack Newsham *@author Alex **/ merge:function(anotherStyle){ for(var propertyName in anotherStyle){ if( (this[propertyName] == null || this[propertyName] == undefined) && propertyName != "image"){ this[propertyName] = anotherStyle[propertyName]; } } }, transform: function(matrix){ if(this.gradientBounds.length != 0){ // to transform gradient bounds we join coordinates in points var startPoint = new Point(this.gradientBounds[0],this.gradientBounds[1]); var endPoint = new Point(this.gradientBounds[2],this.gradientBounds[3]); // transform created points due to general transformation startPoint.transform(matrix); endPoint.transform(matrix); // and set transformed coordinates back to gradientBounds this.gradientBounds[0] = startPoint.x; this.gradientBounds[1] = startPoint.y; this.gradientBounds[2] = endPoint.x; this.gradientBounds[3] = endPoint.y; } if(this.image){ var p1 = new Point(0,0); var p2 = new Point(this.image.width, this.image.height); p1.transform(matrix); p2.transform(matrix); this.image.width = p2.x-p1.x; this.image.height = p2.y-p1.y; } }, /**TODO: implement it*/ equals:function(anotherStyle){ if(!anotherStyle instanceof Style){ return false; } //TODO: test members return true; }, /**Transform all the style into a SVG style *@author Alex Gheorghiu **/ toSVG : function(){ var style = ' style="'; style += 'stroke:' + ( (this.strokeStyle == null || this.strokeStyle == '') ? 'none' : this.strokeStyle) + ';'; style += 'fill:' + ( (this.fillStyle == null || this.fillStyle == '') ? 'none' : this.fillStyle) + ';'; style += 'stroke-width:' + ( (this.lineWidth == null || this.lineWidth == '') ? 'none' : this.lineWidth) + ';'; style += 'stroke-linecap:' + ( (this.lineCap == null || this.lineCap == '') ? 'inherit' : this.lineCap) + ';'; style += 'stroke-linejoin:' + ( (this.lineJoin == null || this.lineJoin == '') ? 'inherit' : this.lineJoin) + ';'; style += '" '; return style; } }